CECA AND CHILDREN IN KLINČ! This is what the television showdown looked like! Cheda accused, CECA answered him like this


Tonight’s edition of the Hit Tweet program on TV Pink, among other things, was marked by discussions between PLD leader Cedomir Jovanovic and popular star Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic, regarding the post-action events “Saber”, that is, the murder of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

Jovanović and Ceca exchanged animated comments, as in the next closing, which erupted as Jovanović spoke of Dragan Đilas’ children.

Children: … The fact that someone is a politician, that someone is a friend of someone accused of killing the Prime Minister (points to Ceca) …

Mint: … The fact that someone is friends with someone accused of the murder of the Prime Minister (repeats Jovanović’s words and points it out) … Well, don’t do it, Čedo, please!

Children: Can I finish?

Cedomir JovanovicPhoto: Goran Srdanov / RAS Serbia
Cedomir Jovanovic

Mint: Well, you can’t finish, you pointed me out, I have to answer you. I owe you an answer for his kidnapping (pointing to Zeljko Mitrovic), which is serious slander for me. I have to live in this country and I have been living with it for 17 years. Why didn’t you accuse me? Why didn’t you accuse me? Well, you could have kidnapped him more easily because they were your friends.

Zeljko Mitrovic: I didn’t even complain that Ceca kidnapped me.

The enisia continued, but the closure soon resumed.

Mint: I am not a politician, I do not deal with politics, I have never expressed my political views. I play music and have experienced everything.

Children: And what did you experience all?

Mint: By people like you.

Children: Wait why

Mint: That is passion.

Mint RaznatovicPhoto: TV Pink, Hit Tweet show / screenshot
Mint Raznatovic

Children: That passion

Mint: Strong fear, great passion. I don’t know either, that’s why I asked you.

Children: And why didn’t the police go to Lepa Lukić when Zoran Đinđić was killed?

Mint: Then why?

Children: Because Lepa Lukic had nothing to do with her murderers.

Mint: And I had?

Children: You were …

Mint: As much as you

Children: That is not true.

Mint: No, that is correct! Who got Legija out of prison, you or me? Who took Dušan Spasojević … He took his wife and son to prison, to the Central Prison, I have witnesses to that? You! Well, you show me what you accused me of! And you kept me in prison for four months, what a shame!

Children: I am not ashamed of that “Knowledge”, I am proud of it!

Mint: You are proud, but you will live with your conscience. A long time ago I left you to God and to the justice of God.

This was followed by a heated discussion between Zeljko Mitrovic and Jovanovic, after which Raznatovic even left the studio.

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