14.09.2020. 20:33
The truth, of course, did not stop Boris Tadic and his party from making a shameful accusation against Police Director Vladimir Rebic that he covered up the case and caught him lying.

Boris Tadic, Photo: prinstcreen
Statement by the Secretary of State for the Ministry of the Interior, Milosav Miličković:
“Today’s embarrassing statement by Boris Tadic clearly shows that a certain group of opposition politicians, along with the media under their control, are in fact only leading a political persecution against police officers.”
At first, they rudely tried to mislead the public with the news that Novi Sad police informed the prosecution about the beating of a young man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad only 19 days later, accusing the police director Vladimir Rebić , of lying. It turned out that only the authors of this claim were lying, because they did not know how the institutions worked.
As announced by the Ministry of the Interior, upon receiving the report on August 24, the police informed the Novi Sad Basic Prosecutor’s Office, by whose order they immediately began to take all measures and actions to clarify the facts. Meanwhile, the prosecutor has reclassified the criminal act for which the suspect is charged, from serious bodily injury to attempted murder. Since the case was transferred to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of Novi Sad, which, according to the new classification of the crime, issued an order on September 12 to carry out an investigation.
The truth, of course, did not bother Boris Tadic and his party to bring a shameful accusation against the director of the police, Vladimir Rebić, who covered up the case and was caught in a lie. Tadic says that the police director must be replaced.
Vladimir Rebić has been a police officer for almost three decades. The results the police are achieving under his leadership are measurable, from the lowest crime rate in 25 years to record-breaking narcotics seizures. The Serbian police are also one of the most trusted international partners in the fight against crime, for which they have received several awards.
“The willingness of Boris Tadic and others to continue the persecution with absolutely proven lies against the police, who fight day and night against criminals for the security of our country, is perfectly shown in any lack of sense of responsibility for what was said and how many politicians there are, “said Milisav Milickovic.