KRUSEVAC – According to the latest report from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, in the Rasina district a true catastrophic situation has occurred with the Kovid 19 virus. In the last 24 hours, 47 new patients have been registered, infected by the coronavirus. 52 patients.
In just one day, the virus was confirmed in 19 people in Kruševac, 15 in Aleksandrovac, 1 in Trstenik, one in Varvarin and in Brus, and there are no new cases of infection in Ćićevac.
Since the beginning of the epidemic in the Rasina district, the Kovid 19 virus has been registered in 1985 people. Most of them are from Kruševac -1,085, in Aleksandrovac – 402, in Trstenik 235, Brus 120, Varvarin 81 and in Ćićevac 62 people.
In the Rasina district, this planetary plague attacks even the very young. Since September, when the new school year began, 16 students and six teachers have registered in Krusevac: 6, and 5 each from Aleksandrovac and Trstenik. Among the sick teachers, three sick teachers are from Kruševac, two from Trstenik and one from Aleksandrovac.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, 56 people have died in Rasinka district and 1,532 have been cured.
Kurir.rs/Ž. METER.

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