CASE OF “ATTACK WITH TENNIS RACKET” Cedomir Jovanovic at the hearing on October 30


The hearing of PLD leader Cedomir Jovanovic at the Belgrade Third Basic Prosecutor’s Office is scheduled for October 30, the prosecution announced today.

Jovanovic will be questioned about the criminal complaint of the police for the criminal act of minor bodily injury, about the fact of July 18, when, as suspected, he hit the owner of the “Physio Center” with a tennis racket.

Zarko Ivkovic and Dejan Dubajic filed criminal charges against Jovanovic and his wife Jelena on July 19 for the same events.

As previously announced by the prosecution, two more misdemeanor charges were brought against Jovanović.

The first because he violated the obligation of self-isolation, considering that he had the Kovid-19 virus just before the incident, and the second, again in connection with the Physio Center, for the violation of the Law of Public Order and Peace of July 20, according to information gathered by the police.
