CAPTURED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN An unusual story of a Serbian woman who was off the continent for 50 DAYS due to the crown and wandered from port to port, from ship to ship.


Several citizens of Serbia, who have been hired as musicians on ships abroad in recent months, have been affected by a corona virus pandemic on a cruise ship.

Even now, it’s not hard to imagine a Hollywood producer flipping through the scripts of a movie whose plot will unfold on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean, at the time of the new corona virus pandemic. The virus will infect one of the crew members, then spread among the guests, panic will start, and eventually everything will turn into horror from which a loving couple will come out alive, a child they will adopt, and a stray dog.

But life is not a Hollywood movie. Although Visnja Davidović’s experience is full of wandering the waters of the world and the uncertainty that still lingers, it is not as dramatic or endured everything better than most.

The cruise ship “Aida Diva”, which can accommodate up to 2,500 passengers and more than 500 crew members, sailed through the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, stopping in the Caribbean, Jamaica, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, the Cayman Islands and St. Kitts. It was on this route that they began to receive news of the accelerated spread of the corona virus, and they themselves felt the first consequences when they were not allowed to anchor at a port in the Dominican Republic on March 3.

– From that March 3, in some ports we were allowed to anchor, in others not, and it so happened that we sailed in the port, but then we did not obtain permission to disembark. So they did not let us go to Jamaica or Saint Martin. Until March 15, it just so happened that we didn’t know who would allow us to anchor, and then it was decided that the guests would be sent home halfway. The situation was such that if you don’t send them home at that time, the airports will be closed and they will remain trapped on the ship, says this Novi Sad resident, reports “”.

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Although Vishnja’s contract was supposed to end on March 21, when he was supposed to go home on a flight from the Dominican Republic with two other citizens of Serbia, that did not happen. Instead, they embarked on a long journey to the Danish port of Skagen, from where they would be transferred by lifeboat to another ship that would take them to Hamburg. Although she does not yet have an exact date for her return to Serbia, she says that it is now easier for her, because at first there was much more uncertainty.

– It was uncertain because information was scarce or constantly changing. I was a little skeptical when the new crew was loaded, but they were checked regularly and it was easier for me when 14 days passed and when it was clear that there were no infected people, says the interlocutor of the site “”.

During the trip, there were situations that increased uncertainty and affected people mainly on the psychological level. There was a time when there were problems with the Internet, they had meetings on how to communicate with family members, with instructions not to make announcements with hashtags, quarantine, isolation … They knew they would be imprisoned for three weeks, but it bothered them. the idea that the disease could still occur and the question of what scenario would await them after that, regardless of the hospital and available doctors, “because what to do in the middle of the ocean.”

Interestingly, the company gave the crew social media packages, which could be used for free. And then, to further inform the people on board, he offered sites where they can find the necessary information about the spread of the corona virus, but also news from their countries.

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– Of course I never opened it. During those three weeks of travel, the problem was more on the psychological level, because you are isolated from the world, you hear some news. Still, some nonsense from conspiracy theorists appears mostly on Facebook. What I learned about the situation in Serbia told me that I could actually be better off on the ship. It was good that we all had rooms to isolate everyone, because otherwise we were in rooms for two. Regulations have been introduced that there must be a distance between people, our temperature was measured every day, we checked if we had any symptoms, in that sense, the company really provided us with all the necessary security, explains Višnja Davidović.

When the announcements began about the introduction of the state of emergency and the curfew in Serbia, we witnessed the crowds outside the supermarket and buying large quantities of flour and toilet paper. Višnja Davidović says it was strange for her when people suddenly started buying chips in a bar en masse, because there were those who panicked over the new situation.

The cruise arrived at Skagen on April 3 and the crew stayed there until the end of the month. A few days after arriving at the port of Skagen, a part of the German-made crew was sent home. The whole process of sending workers home was quite complicated and involved the participation of competent institutions in various countries.

When it was the turn of another group to return home through Denmark, this northern European country suspended the entire operation, prohibiting it from passing through its territory. The company then decided to use the ships in its fleet and transfer the workers to Hamburg, from where they will organize to return home.

– Both ships were not allowed to anchor and then cross each other overland. Instead, the lifeboats are crossed to another ship. 300 of us crossed like that and went to Germany. I can’t describe the experience, someone would think what kind of scene: you go from one boat to another in lifeboats, you handle luggage and all that to get to Germany, and then you have to ‘feel’ there to get home. I think it was less stressful than looking at our journal. That was simply the situation and it seems to me that in the end everything was quite well organized, because everything was done quite quickly, without tensions, so everything is well organized on the new ship where we are staying, explains Davidović.

As he says, the most important thing of all is that they had no infected person on board, and the news that the situation on other companies’ cruises is worse caused insecurity. He also claims that they got through everything more easily because they organized in such a way that they helped each other.

We hung out, the team was good, we played together, we organized to make things easier for each other. My biggest concern was actually about family, what they are like and what they do, if they were in contact with someone. So you see a little news from Serbia, then the family tells you what the situation is, so I understand that you may have had a good time with all these things that happened on the trip – concludes Davidović.

The last time Višnja Davidović touched dry land was March 10, and that was in Mexico. Now he is waiting in Hamburg for permission to return to Serbia, waiting for other Serbian citizens who were also involved in the ships.

Important phones

Epidemiological service telephones for all information.

Special number of the Ministry of Health on issues related to the Corona virus: 064 8945 235

Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”: 011 2684 566

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To enable citizens to communicate with competent epidemiological services more quickly and efficiently, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers in Serbia.

Unique contact center opened for Kovid 19-199819

Notification activation paragraph test

