Captain Dragan on a “martyr man” who died on Unity Day (KURIR TV)


Dragan Vasiljković, better known as Captain Dragan, was a guest of the newspaper Hot on the occasion of his relationship with Momčilo Krajišnik, the first president of the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska who passed away today, on Serbian Unity Day, due to complications of the coronavirus. Their relationship dates back to the pre-war period of the 1980s, when Captain Dragan was working in Africa. He revealed to Kurir Television viewers that he remembers him as a hardened gentleman, an academic, a highly educated, sharp, eloquent man who entered and will remain in history. For Vasiljkovic, Krajisnik is a martyr, a victim of the persecution against Serbs, one of those Serbs who spent years and years in prison unjustly, and fate wanted him to die on the newly established Serbian Unity Day, a very important date. for the “knindze”. members of the “Captain Dragan” Foundation and all Serbs.

photo: Courier

Speaking about the death of Momcilo Krajisnik, Captain Dragan, as a guest on Kurir TV on the show Dnevno usijanje, said that Krajisnik was a victim at one time.

– He left the impression on me of a determined man, and if he is a criminal, then every Croatian politician must be a criminal, said Captain Dragan.

– You had a conflict between the West and the East, all the socialist countries had to fall apart. The West financed all the opponents of Yugoslavia with large funds. But I think those times are over, now I see big changes for the better. Now we have more reasons to cooperate.

– After getting out of prison, Krajisnik said that we should forgive, but I think we should not forgive. The Croats continue to wage war against the Serbs, Captain Dragan said.

photo: Courier

During his visit, Captain Dragan accused Vuk Jeremic of allowing the arrest of Serbs.

– He was not a friend of Milosevic, but he was also a victim in The Hague as Krajisnik. I am convinced that everyone will be clear about it.

– I think we could have done better if we had been more organized. NATO would not have attacked if we had agreed during the 990s, Captain Dragan said.

– Krajisnik persevered in The Hague and managed to defeat the attempt to present the Serbs as a genocidal people. I think they will remember him for that.

– For now, we have 65 Serbs that we know are in prison and have been convicted without evidence.

photo: Courier

Speaking of Croatia, Captain Dragaje also criticized Novak Djokovic.

– That the Nazi government continues to torture Serbs in prisons using Guantánamo methods, and a certain Djokovic appears and says that Croatia is a beautiful country.


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