CAN WE GO TO THE HAIRDRESSER AFTER 6 PM? Here’s who will shorten the working hours from tomorrow, and who will put the KEY IN THE LOCK AT 9 PM


All doubts resolved.

The new measures of the Government of Serbia in the fight against coronavirus will come into force tomorrow, and some of them were confirmed today by the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations of Belgrade. However, there are still many dilemmas about who will be able to work only until 6pm, who will be able to work until 9pm, and who can stay open 24 hours a day.

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, it was ordered to reduce the working hours of restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, gambling houses and shopping centers until 6 in the afternoon. For theaters and cinemas (cultural institutions) the work mode is valid until 6 pm, which means that the last screening / performance must be completed at that time. This obligation will enter into force on Tuesday, November 24 and will last for the next ten days.

Until 18.00 cafes, restaurants …

“This measure does not include pharmacies, gas stations for the sale of fuel and catering and other facilities that deliver food, which can operate 24 hours a day. In addition, grocery stores and kiosks are excluded, which can operate until 9 pm, ”it reads. in a statement issued after the Municipal Headquarters session, with the observation “that all the competent services have been ordered to strengthen control over the implementation of the measures adopted in the following period.”

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

– So that people can stock up normally, we have decided that grocery stores, such as various stores and supermarkets, but also numerous kiosks and kiosks, can work until 9 pm – Darko Glavas, head of the Secretariat told “Blic” Defense Affairs, emergency situations, communication and coordination of relations with citizens.

Hairdressers and boutiques until 9:00 p.m.

Not a few women in Belgrade feared that they would not be able to go to the hairdresser after 6pm. But nevertheless …

– Then, all the stores that are not located in shopping centers, such as the boutiques on Knez Mihailova Street or the hairdressers in your neighborhood, but also many artisans, will be able to function as before the previous decision until 9:00 p.m. – Darko Glavas resolved the dilemma.

Even the supermarkets in the shopping centers will remain open.

– Customers will also be able to get supplies from them, but it will have to be organized so that visitors cannot walk through the mall, but only go to the store and return – explains Glavas.

Banks, post offices, gyms

After 6 pm (maximum until 9 pm), for example, post offices and banks will be able to work. The exceptions are, of course, those located in shopping centers. The reduction in working hours does not apply to gyms, although in current epidemiological conditions, exercising indoors can be quite risky.

– The strict measures adopted at the beginning are still in force there. And to which everyone must adhere.

Photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović

Sports events

One dilemma was related to sporting events.

– Even after the above decision, all sporting events of a higher character must be completed before 11pm. On the other hand, movie screenings in cinemas and theatrical performances should be ready by 6 pm, said Darko Glavas.

Who works after 21.00

According to the previous decision of the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations, pharmacies will also be able to operate from 9 pm, as well as gas stations (exclusively for the sale of fuel), as well as catering facilities that deliver food.

So even after 9 pm, you will have the opportunity to order food in one of the many restaurants in Belgrade.

Photo: TV Pink Printscreen / SP

Urban transport

Let us remind you, even earlier it was announced that the city’s public transportation will be increased, that the evening rush hour will last until 8 pm, and that there will be 236 additional vehicles on the streets.
