“CAN I BE YOUR DADDY?” Andrea from Čačak recorded a video for Tik-Tok, used a wrong word and then was crucified on the Internet


With younger generations spending most of their free time looking at smartphones, it is no wonder that more and more of them are embarking on creating content for social media. Andrea Hadzi is a teenager from Cacak who decided to try her luck shooting videos for the most popular TikTok platform today, and although she is already used to negative comments, she recently became the main topic of the Serbian Twitter scene because of what she says in the video.

For this story to have its other side, “Noizz” contacted her and found out more about this teenager (17) from Čačak, who is followed on Instagram and TikTok by about 75,000 young people.

– I had the idea to make a video with the term “daddy” on one side of the influencer. His video came out very well and the comments were mostly positive and deviated from the joke. I knew that one of my acquaintances, Luka, was shooting videos in a similar way, but none of the girls on our stage have dared yet – he revealed.

However, he did not know how much his video would move the public.

– To be honest, I had no idea that people would be so moved and “offended” by a video, which is a huge trend in foreign countries. All of us who are successful in some way on social media have both negative and positive comments. Unfortunately, since this corona virus pandemic began, the number of negative comments has increased a lot, and they are all very young children who do not even know what they are writing, she says for “Noizz.”

The term “dads” is a global trend used by TickTokers, and she recognized the content she wanted to present to her followers.

– I really think parents should start checking their children’s phones! On the other hand, I have to say that in a very short time I gained a huge following on social media, and people do not forgive other people’s success! The point of my video with the term “dad” was simply to bring something new to the TikTok scene in a positive way! – says Andrea.

With the video itself, she also caught the attention of aggressive men, who, as she said, began to send her the same misleading question, but she did not respond to such messages.

Andrea HadžiPhoto: Andrea Hadžić / Private archive

Andrea Hadži

– As for indecent offers, I got a couple of messages saying, “Can I be your daddy” and things like that, but actually nothing much different from that. I just delete it and move on because I know that all female and male influencers get it every day, the teenager notes.

TikTok as a platform was interesting to her from the beginning, but it was only from August that she began to actively film. Since then, he has been trying to maintain good content, so when he has the time, he follows the global trends.

– I have been actively recording for TikTok, for example, since August, all of the above was nothing serious and regular. Sometimes I can shoot 10 videos a day and hang everything right away, so I don’t shoot until a couple of days after that. Now, when my school started, I photograph on the weekends or when I take advantage of my free time. Above all, I register what I see is most interesting for my followers at this time, both in our country and worldwide. As far as trends are concerned, I am always in favor of showing people who follow me something new that is not yet so common in our country, which means that I practice above all registering current trends globally – he explains.

Despite the negative reactions to the aforementioned video, she says she has the support of her family and boyfriend from the beginning.

– My family is in the first place for me, and I have always had support for everything in my life! Especially from my mom Katarina. She always told me that tastes are different and that if I like what I do, she will like it too. Of course, you can criticize sometimes, but that’s very rare. As for the boy, he leads a completely private life and does not like to interfere with that “public”. It doesn’t follow my content on TikTok and it doesn’t have that style. Sometimes he gets some negative reviews or inappropriate comments, and that can hurt me, so I think if I have to go through something, he doesn’t have to either. I told him that if something was bothering him, he should tell me. We have a fairly open relationship and I am really grateful to him because he is completely reasonable, has a broad understanding and supports all my decisions as much as I support his – says Andrea.

In order to record the quality content that you aspire to, you say it requires difficult selection, and happens to record the same scene ten times.

– It all depends on the type of video, on TikTok a video lasts a maximum of one minute. I shoot each video multiple times and then discard the one that works best for me. I often get tired of saying the same text or learning a dance, so I continue the next day or after a couple of hours. I don’t even know where I get my inspiration from, everything comes to mind suddenly, but I’m a fish in the horoscope, so it certainly depends on that – he laughs.

Still, Andrea is someone else entirely when the phone screen dims.

– Andrea in her private life is very different from what you see in the videos. And I’m very sorry that people don’t get a chance to see it for themselves. All I register are trends and it’s not me. I made a couple of videos where I clearly show my emotions, attitudes or the like and that is already 90% of me. I go to high school, I am a regular student, now I am in third grade and in addition to that “public life” I lead a normal and private life. Initially I saw TikTok as a kind of game and entertainment, and soon after that game became a kind of fun business. And I love what I do – he said at the end of the conversation.

Andrea HadžiPhoto: Andrea Hadžić / Private archive

Andrea Hadži

Andreu is followed on her TikTok account by 53.8 thousand people, on Instagram by just over 23 thousand, mostly teenagers, who like her use this platform to pass the time and have a good time. Like it or not, this network has become an integral part of young people’s lives, as used to be “MTV”, Cruiser Chats, Facebook and various forums. This also implies that each age and each young person has its own tendencies, even the haters. It’s interesting that they are usually older and now it’s a closed circle that will probably never cease to exist, writes “Noizz.”

After all, before conviction, it is important to know someone and talk to him, because even if there is a generation gap, it is always possible to speak without hatred and respect, and for that you only need one condition: understanding.
