CAFETERIAS ONLY UNTIL 9:00 p.m. Emergency situation due to corona declared in ANOTHER MUNICIPALITY


Another municipality in Serbia has declared a state of emergency. This is Indjija, where it is until November 14 80 infected were registered.

During the day, according to Sremska TV, another 15 cases were expected, writes “Telegraf”.

Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the crisis headquarters of the Municipality of Indjija made the decision to declare a state of emergency. According to the latest information, 80 people have been infected with the kovid 19 virus in Indjija and around 15 more cases are expected today.

The new measures adopted by the headquarters are that a maximum of two people are allowed to sit at a table in the catering facilities, the use of a mask is mandatory in any type of closed space, especially where there is a greater movement of people. disinfection of entrances and elevators by building managers.

The day before yesterday a state of emergency was declared in five municipalities: Irig, Mali Zvornik, Paracin, Ruma, Bogatic and Paracin.

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