CAFES FOR NOW WITHOUT CLOSING! Vučić: We will see in two or three days


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said last night that he is against the closure of the restoration facilities for now, for the people in that sector who make a living from that work, adding that they will wait another two or three days with a possible decision to shorten their working hours or close them.

He added that it will depend on the number of new infected daily.

Responding to the journalists’ question to comment on the inquiries of certain opposition representatives why the state does not close bars and cafes, which are incubators of the infection, Vučić replied: YES, if we closed them, then they would say that we stole their money .

He said that people who work in the restaurant sector, like everyone else, must feed their children and families.

When asked to comment on the opening of the SBB store at Gallery Gallery in Belgrade on water, Vučić said he was happy with it and was glad that critics of the project recognized its value.

– Everyone admits that we did a great job in Belgrade and Serbia, said Vučić, adding that he was satisfied with the visit to the new shopping center.

On Sergej Trifunović’s announcement on Twitter that Metropolitan Amfilohije was supposed to speak at Vučić’s funeral, the president said Sergej was right.

– I told you that a long time ago … Instead of losing hundreds of millions of euros that you invested in various media, it is easier for them to kill me, because, let’s not lie, you only have one problem. . . Well come on, do it for once, don’t threaten and hide behind social media, Vučić said.

He noted that Twitter did not ban Trifunović’s announcement, adding that those who were supposed to report the case did not.

He added that Donald Trump was prohibited from announcing the election, and that Trifunovic was not prohibited from announcing the call to kill the legitimate and legal president.

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Author: delivery courier
