Cafes and restaurants open on Wednesday? The medical part of the crisis staff is still AGAINST


Measures to fight the crown of the crown could be relaxed on Wednesday, when cafes and restaurants are allowed to return to operation, but again with certain restrictions, Kurir discovered unofficially.

And if the information came early this morning that there will be no Kirz headquarters session, which was supposed to take place this morning, Kurir learns from his sources that there is still a strong controversy among the Staff members about the opening of catering facilities. .

– Most of the medical part of the crisis staff is still against the opening of cafes and restaurants, which would operate until 6 or 8 pm On the other hand, although everyone is aware that the priority is to save human lives, with strict respect for all measures, coffees do not have to be a breeding ground for contagions and, on the other hand, the economy also suffers. It is obvious that individuals do not understand the gravity of the situation, which is why they still gather at house parties or have secret crown parties that the police regularly interrupt. That is why the proposal is that cafes and restaurants work, but that all this is strictly controlled. According to some announcements, that could happen on Wednesday. Everyone is aware that the weather is going well and that the picnic areas will be crowded, no matter how much everyone asks citizens not to do that, says a well-informed source in Kurir.

According to him, the measures for the work of the cafe will probably be more strict, so the distance between the tables and the guests will have to be greater, and the premises will be able to receive a smaller number of people than before.


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Author: delivery courier
