By train from Belgrade to Novi Sad in about half an hour


Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Tomislav Momirovi says problems with foreign contractors engaged in the construction of high-speed railways have been eliminated.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Deposithotos, joyfull

Illustration: Deposithotos, joyfull

The railway in question is from Belgrade to Novi Sad and, as the minister added, that stretch will be completed by the end of 2021 and put into circulation after tests lasting about two months.

Momirovi told Tanjug that they are already negotiating with the Chinese and European partners about the acquisition of trains that will be able to run on that line at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

Citizens will also be able to travel by train between Belgrade and Novi Sad in just over half an hour, he stressed.

“It is no secret that this is a project where we had a lot of problems in the past. We have reached the point where President Aleksandar Vui had to use his authority to force our partners and foreign partners to stick to the agreement. They are behind it. of us, “Momirovi said.

He is convinced that by the end of 2021 the section to Novi Sad, which will be part of the Belgrade-Budapest high-speed railway, will be completed.

“I hope that within two months, when the works are completed, all the tests will be carried out and that the railway will be in commercial use. We have opened discussions with the Chinese and European partners on the acquisition of trains. Our goal is to have the trains more modern. In this part of Europe and whoever offers the best price and in the shortest time, we will buy. ”

He adds that everything is done in a transparent manner and that the goal is to get more parties involved in the negotiations on the acquisition of trains.

Momirovi says that in 2021 the accelerated realization of large infrastructure projects will continue, and that it is a priority to complete the construction of the “Milo Veliki” highway from Preljina to Poega and the high-speed railway from Belgrade to Novi Sad by the end of the year. . There is no discussion or compromise, said the minister.

He points out that the focus is on the construction of roads and railways that cross our country very quickly and allow us to quickly get from one extreme to the other.

He also says that in about two months he visited all the construction sites in the country to be convinced of the scope of the investments and works carried out by the government.

“It is an incredible investment cycle that we are currently in that will jump-start the economy, maintain macroeconomic stability and ensure Europe’s highest growth in 2021,” Momirovi underlined.

He adds that strategic projects include the construction of the Moravo Pojate – Preljina Corridor, the Frukogorski Corridor from Novi Sad to Ruma, the Ruma – abac highway and the abac – Loznica expressway, then the construction of the Belgrade to Sarajevo Kuzmin – Sremska highway. Raa, the detour around Belgrade and the construction of apartments for members of the army, police and security services.

Speaking of the construction of the first digital highway, the Moravian Corridor from Preljina to Poega, he says that until recently no one would have dreamed that we would build such a highway on that section, which would connect the “Milo Veliki” highway (called Kodiror 11) and the Corridor 10 thus connecting more than half a million people in that part of the country.

“Soon he will be able to cross all of Serbia in very short intervals,” added the minister.

He expects the first section from Pojat to Kruevac of about 27 kilometers to be completed by the end of the year.

“We will not allow anyone to play within the initially promised deadlines,” Momirovi said.

Speaking of another major infrastructure project, the completion of the bypass around Belgrade, he says he found out about it as a child and that the bypass has not yet been completed, although the first works began decades ago.

Photo: Depositphotos, Olegkalina

Photo: Depositphotos, Olegkalina

He says that this project will be completed by this government in the next two years, when the detour to Bubanj Potok is completed.

Regarding the additional section C, from Bubanj Potok to Panevo, the minister says that it is also planned, but that this part will be done later because it is a very valuable investment and a large number of projects are currently being executed.

He noted that construction work on the Frukogorski corridor, the Novi Sad to Ruma expressway, as well as the construction of the Sombor – Kikinda expressway should begin in 2021.

The minister adds that the so-called project should start. Danube roads, ie fast roads from the motorway turnoff to Poerevac to Donji Milanovac.

He states that the works on the Ruma – abac highway, that is, the new bridge over the Sava near Apac, have been accelerated and that in March they should offer works on the construction of the highway from the city of New Belgrade to Surin, which will connect the city with “Milo Veliki”.

Expect works on the first section of the road to Pristina, from Nia to Plonik, at the end of the first or the beginning of the second quarter of 2021.

He says that he used to be in the private sector and that he was responsible for his employees and the company at that time, whereas now as a minister he has a much greater responsibility as he has the money of the citizens of Serbia at his disposal.

Now, he adds, he feels a great responsibility and that is why this is a historic moment in the development of Serbia and that is a great challenge for him.

“I don’t like to personalize myself as a minister who builds and employs, I am part of the team that implements investments and is headed by the President of Serbia. If it weren’t for fiscal consolidation, we would never have invested so much. Serbia has a compelling advantage in the region “. .

He says that we will have a problem if the countries of the region cannot follow us in the speed of infrastructure development.

Citizens will soon be unable to recognize Serbia’s traffic infrastructure, the minister noted.

He adds that this also refers to air traffic, considering that France’s Vance is making huge investments in the development of the “Nikola Tesla” airport in Belgrade.

“Serbia is really moving forward,” Momirovi said.

He recalled that in the budget for 2021, a record 330 billion dinars was allocated for capital infrastructure projects, which is about 5.5 percent of GDP.
