Belgrade: By the end of the year, 7.7 kilometers of the beltway around Belgrade, between Ostrunica and Orlova, will be completed and that section will be included in traffic.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, CreativeNature
This was announced today by the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlova.
“Today we agreed that Belgrade will have 7.7 kilometers of bypass by the end of the year, although the deadline for that was next year. Every kilometer of bypass that we do and can include in the traffic is important because it reduces the crowds that we have in the downtown Belgrade, “he said. Mihajlovic after a meeting with the artists and the director of Roads of Serbia at the artist camp.
He said talks will continue next week with Power China to agree to continue building a detour from Bubanj Potok to Panevo.
“I think that by the end of next week we will have a defined commercial contract by which we will decide to continue working with this company, but also continue with the construction of the bypass,” he said.
The minister said that sector B of the beltway around Belgrade will be completed in 2022, and that the start of works on sector C towards Panevo could be expected from 2022.
He pointed out that the construction of the bypass is a team effort, and that not only the company works with the company, but also the ministry and the entire country, which are connected to each infrastructure project.
He added that the bypass must be completed on time and compared the importance of the project with Corridor 10, because the bypass allows a better connection of the entire region.
Serbian Roads Director Zoran Drobnjak stated that the biggest problem with the construction of the ring road is the expropriation reaction.
“We said expropriation as far as the Army is concerned, we have to speak with our gypsy neighbors, of course to deal with the Viaducto company where there are many families that are inhabited and when we say that, I see an end, to finish the bypass by the end of the year that comes, in September “. Drobnjak said.
The CEO of Power Aina Corporation in Serbia, Yang Bo, thanked the company for the great support it received in making this investment and noted that great efforts are being made to complete the project on time.
He added that many outstanding issues were resolved at today’s meeting.
“As a contractor, we are completely confident that we will complete the project on time and to the best possible quality,” Young said.
The Economic Advisor of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, Tang Xiaodong, thanked the Minister for convening the meeting and pointed out that all the meetings she attended were focused on problem solving.
“The importance of this project is great for Belgrade, but also for traffic throughout the country. The common goal is to complete this important project as soon as possible,” Tang said, adding that for now the investment is progressing as planned.
The bypass around Belgrade is worth € 207 million and is financed 85 percent from the Export-Import Bank of China loan and 15 percent from the budget of the Republic of Serbia.
The construction is carried out by “Power Ajna” and the main subcontractor is the company azvirt azvirt.