By public transport H1 Serbia


Belgrade Mayor Zoran Radojicic announced that the Belgrade Crisis Team would meet on Monday to agree on how to implement the measures requested by the Medical Crisis Headquarters, especially in regards to public transport.

“Three measures are key: shorten working hours, control home insulation and recommend working from home,” said the mayor.

He said the message was to move less and that the city administration would agree on how to implement the required measures.

He explained that GSP transports passengers in “peak hours” with 1,640 vehicles, and that the number of vehicles on the street will be until 20:00 and not as before only from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00: 00.

“However, we cannot stop the transport outside the station so that someone can leave, because it is not safe, so we will coordinate everything on Monday,” explained the mayor after the announcement by the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar, that the buses that are crowded will not stop.

Radojicic added that everyone has a difficult winter ahead of them and that solidarity is key to overcoming the crisis.

He stated that in recent days the communal militia interrupted six parties at home and that young people, who are mostly asymptomatic carriers, tend to break the rules.

“On the other hand, more than 5,500 patients are examined daily in Belgrade, of which more than 60 percent arrive for the first time with symptoms of covid, which is a sign that the situation is serious and that the epidemic continues to break out. “said the mayor.

He reiterated the call that everyone who can work from home, do not take children to daycare centers and do not move anywhere.
