The Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, together with the Acting Director of the EP “Fruška gora National Park”, Radoslav Krunić, and numerous volunteers, attended the planting action marking the 60th anniversary of the declaration of Fruška gora as a park national. In other words, on the occasion of the six decades since the foundation of the first National Park established in the Republic of Serbia and the only one in the territory of AP Vojvodina, PE “Fruška gora National Park” is organizing a symbolic action of afforestation of the Fruška territory gora planting 60,000 seedlings. The Reforestation Action “60-60000” is expected to be implemented in the period between the end of vegetation in 2020 and the beginning of a new period of vegetation in 2021, according to the epidemiological situation.

– Six decades is not a small period and all of us, lovers of Fruška gora, are proud of that jubilee. This is a great action that the PE “Fruška gora National Park” started together with responsible companies and individuals, and the result is that an impressive amount of seedlings were provided outside of that company’s budget. There is probably no inhabitant of any municipality in this part of our country who has not spent at least a pleasant time in Fruška gora together with his family and friends. What Fruška gora will be like and whether we will be up to the task in relation to him is up to us alone. This seeding action sends a message about its future development, with the aim of being a place of pleasant stay and meeting, but also that those who use Fruška gora as a picnic area, walk or recreation ground, behave responsibly, not leaving litter scattered , BBQs without turning off and not expecting someone else to come clean up after them. Symbolically, from the Astali stretch near the territory of the Novi Sad settlement of Bukovac, we started planting about 50 seedlings and then continued afforestation all over the mountain, said Mayor Miloš Vučević.

The acting director of the EP “Fruška gora National Park”, Radoslav Krunić, pointed out that the planting action was organized to mark a significant jubilee.

– The afforestation of the territory of the Fruška gora National Park, by planting 50,500 oak and beech seedlings and 9,500 poplar seedlings, is being carried out by employees of our Public Company, as well as by interested volunteers. This afforestation action is not included in our regular annual plan, that is, it does not belong to the plantation that the EP “Fruška gora National Park” carries out every day, but this is an additional type of plantation – said Radoslav Krunić.
Novi Sad city

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