By June, three times more Corona victims than the official figure due to problems in the information system “NOW THE DATA IS VERY ACCURATE”


Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said tonight that according to his research, and based on data from the City Public Health Institute, there were three times more deaths from March to June than the system collected and what was reported in writing.

Kon told “Newsmax Adria” that there was a problem in the information system and it happens all the time.

– It should be understood: there is something that applies during the event itself. We are using an information system for the first time. That information system at one point in time was not accurate enough and I can’t say why, so sometime since mid-June it wasn’t accurate, Kon said.

The epidemiologist said that deaths cannot be accurately expressed unless a certain period passes.

– Only in two months, the data entered in the death certificate will be returned … Now the data for June will arrive. I processed the data in June. In June, in summary, there were three times more deaths than the system than was reported in writing. It happens all the time … – Kon said.

Kon reiterated that the problem was with the computer program.

– We have never worked according to that system, until now there has never been a supervision system like this, we have something else that works regularly, but now it is impossible for it to work because now it is massive and we have to adapt – he added.

He says that in this case an information system was developed without which epidemiologists could not work, emphasizing that initially there were no covid clinics and that data collection could not be worked on, especially because these data did not arrive, including “infectious disease reports”. they didn’t come at all. “

Kon says that in his research he used mortality statistics and DN2 patterns, as well as data from the City Institute of Public Health.

The death certificate has three parts: the immediate, basic and indirect cause of death, he said, adding that they arrive after two months.

Kon specified that what is published directly, what is one thing in the information system and the extract of data from the written system, is another.

Kon says that the data arrives at the City Office after two days, and that based on what followed, the current data that can now be viewed on the site is very approximate and that, as far as to Belgrade, “fits into this.”

– Now I can say that the data is very approximate and very accurate. Whether a case appears or not will be discussed only later, he said.

Kon says that when you monitor total mortality from one year to the next, then you compare the average before 2020, adding “there are 345 people above mortality throughout the entire period.

– Just so you know, it happens in all epidemics – he emphasized.

Photo: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

The epidemiologist added that he does not believe that the Crisis Staff supports enabling the public in the eternal derby and that he hopes that everyone at Headquarters is against it.

He says that the virus not only circulates in our country, but also enters from outside.

– Only in one school has it been proven that the transmission occurred in the school, and that the rest was brought from outside, and that it is important that these cases are discovered and isolated – said Kon.

VIDEO: WHO: All the symptoms of the coronavirus
