By air taxi from Szeged in eight minutes: Subotica airport obtains border crossing status


Subotica – For a period of 90 days, the “Subotica” airport received the status of a temporary border crossing for international air traffic.

Source: RTV

Illustration: Epa / ANTON E. WETTSTEIN

Illustration: Epa / ANTON E. WETTSTEIN

Until November 15, customs and police procedures will be carried out there, which are common when crossing the state border.

In honor of the 110th anniversary of Ivan Saria’s first flight, the Aero Club named after him is holding a precision flight competition at the airport in the Bikovo settlement near Subotica from September 25 to 27, RTV reported.

The airport in the settlement of Bikovo, which is located six kilometers northeast of Subotica, has been used by members of the Aero Club “Ivan Sari” for decades for sports, cars and training flight of planes, gliders, kites and paragliding.

Recently it has played another very important role. For a period of 90 days, it was granted the status of temporary border crossing for international air traffic, so that, until November 15, customs and police procedures are carried out there, which are common when crossing the state border.

The advantage of this airport status, above all, is taken advantage of by the managers and owners of foreign companies that operate in Subotica, and that use private planes and helicopters for transportation.

Now, due to passport and customs control, they do not have to go first to Surin airport and only then to Subotica airport, which is their chosen destination.

This greatly shortens your travel time. The leaders of the Tatravaginka Bratstvo factory in Slovakia arrive in an hour and the air taxis from Szeged in just eight minutes.

“At the request of the Aero Club ‘Ivan Sari’, we received a decision from the Interior Ministry on the use of the airport for that purpose as well. This brings many advantages for Subotica, as a city close to the Serbian-Hungarian border. Without a doubt, this new role Certainly it is a significant novelty that can bring many benefits for many ”, Nikola Iovaki, parachutist and secretary of the Aero Club” Ivan Sari “told RTV.
