BVK: Construction has always been planned in the Makiško polje area


The utility company “Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage” (BVK) announced that Makiško polje belongs to the “Zone III” of sanitary protection, which means that there are no water intake facilities in open streams, rain wells or tube wells to pump groundwater.

Regarding the assessment that Belgrade will run out of water if the detailed regulatory plan is adopted for a part of Makiško polje, the company states that construction has always been planned in that protection zone, respecting strict protection measures.

“During the preparation of the Plan, conditions and restrictions are precisely defined according to the purpose and type of facilities in the area in question … JKP ‘Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage’ issued strict conditions that are in accordance with the law and the applicable regulations. Compliance with these conditions is the obligation of every investor, be it the State or a private investor, “the statement said. The company also condemned allegations that the capital will jeopardize the water supply if it allows the construction of Makiško polje.

“Such statements are a simple lie, and their deliberate placement is a crime of spreading false news and harassing citizens. BVK participated in the drafting of the plan by providing conditions, as head of public authority … The protection of springs and Surface and groundwater reserves are provided through the formation of sanitary protection zones, through the definition and implementation of conditions, measures and restrictions ”, it is added in the announcement.
