BUSPLUS WILL NOT BE CANCELED! Although the ten-year contract has expired, the system is still in force and it is known for how long


The Busplus system is still in force, although the ten-year contract that the Belgrade City Council had with the company “Apex Solution”, which created a system for collecting tickets and managing vehicles in public transport in the capital, expired in September! !

“The contract for the establishment and operation of the System for the collection of tickets and driving of vehicles in public transport in Belgrade has been extended due to the epidemiological situation caused by the epidemic of infectious disease kovid 19, until December 31, 2020, or until the end of the selection process for a new partner in accordance with the law. ”, it was announced today from the Ministry of Public Transportation.

According to the statement, users of regular public transport in Belgrade continue to use the transport service under the same conditions as before.

“This means that they can use the current personalized and non-personalized cards, which they can, as before, recharge at points of sale and validate in vehicles,” announced the Ministry of Public Transport.

We remind you that the Busplus system came into force on February 1, 2012, but it is very interesting that according to the tender specifications, the contract expires in September 2020, given that the ten-year cooperation between the City of Belgrade and the consortium led by Apex. It was made official in September 2010, and in the meantime it has been updated with up to six annexes, the last of which was initialed in September 2015.

The private partner invested equipment and software worth € 12.15 million excluding VAT, and in return received the right to collect 8.53 percent of the revenue from tickets sold each month, based on the contract.

According to the contract letter, the Belgrade City Council could terminate the contract in 2016 and buy the system for 5.6 million euros, in 2017 for 4.6 million, in 2018 for 2.4 million, and in 2019, which is the eighth year of operation of the system for “only” millions of euros. And that certainly would have been done if there had been a quality alternative solution.
