BULGARIANS ANGRY ABOUT SERBIAN WEAPONS: Atlantic Council demands suspension of deliveries, tanks and “armor” bothered them


The organization assumed that the T-72 tanks could be carried by the “Ilyushin” IL-76TD aircraft, which flew from the Batajnica airport in Anapa.

– This flight is not accidentally related to the Russian military delivery of T-72 tanks to Belgrade? The media write about the deliveries, reporting that the tanks are landing in Serbia, but they do not specify what their route is. According to our research, this is being done through the territory of Bulgaria! – it was said in the Atlantic Council.

The Atlantic Council mentioned that it had already criticized the delivery of weapons to Serbia via Bulgaria, when the delivery of the “Pancir S1” air defense system took place, and asked that such practice not be repeated.

– Why does the Bulgarian government allow it again? What is Bulgaria, the Russian corridor in the Balkans? – They declared in the Atlantic Council.

Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakachanov said in February that the country had no reason to ban Russia from flying. The ban could provoke a diplomatic scandal and a reaction from Russia and Serbia.


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