Bulatović: Nedimović tells fairy tales about agriculture


The Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Dejan Bulatović, assessed that the Minister of Agriculture, Branislav Nedimović, joined officials who “tell fairy tales on RTS every day” in stating that agriculture is a pillar and a guarantor, and stated that the Minister did not explain “what is a pillar and a guarantor”.

If Serbia is an agricultural billionaire thanks to corn, fruits and vegetables, why did only 2,500 of the 5,500 young farmers who applied for the start-up grant program received funds and, after our criticism, 500 more, asked Bulatović in a written statement.

Why are there no funds for the other applicants, when we have made $ 247 million just exporting apples “to the whole world”? We demand an explanation of what the budget funds are spent on, because obviously not on agriculture, stressed Bulatović.

The investment in the irrigation system was mentioned, which raises the question of what happened to the funds that were earmarked this year for the electrification of the mentioned system, if the canals do not work, the SAA said in a statement.
