Budimir Lončar described in detail how the disintegration of the greater Yugoslavia came about


LAST HEAD OF THE DIPLOMACY SFRY REVEALS: Budimir Lončar described in detail how the disintegration of Greater Yugoslavia took place

Photo: Beta / Miloš Miškov

Budimir Lončar, a well-known diplomat and last foreign minister of Yugoslavia, who was in that position at the time of the crisis and disintegration of the SFRY, said that 2Yugoslavia could not survive because it was in ruins “, in a great confession to” Jutarnji List. “Was written in 800 pages by historian Tvrtko Jakovina.

Loncar says he resigned as head of diplomacy the day Vukovar fell and a month before the Badinter Commission assessed that Yugoslavia no longer exists. While he was still in office, he explained, he worked to include an external factor in the outcome of the Yugoslav crisis.

“However, I started the internationalization of the Yugoslav constitutional crisis in 1989. Namely, I started the association with the European Community, with two objectives. We wanted help in the reforms and the transformation of the country towards market orientation, political pluralism and the rule of law, but also to prevent war. “These were all the conditions for Yugoslavia’s entry into the European Union, with which sui generis relations existed until then for 20 years,” Loncar said.

photo: Profimedia

He also says that he is the first Foreign Minister in the history of the United Nations to put his country on the Security Council’s agenda “because it threatens world peace.”

He also made a speech at the session, which he says was interpreted as an accusation against Slobodan Milosevic and the JNA that they were generators of the conflict.

“In that session of the Security Council, the internationalization of the crisis was expanded and legitimacy was created for future interventions.”

Loncar claims that “de facto, a foreign factor constantly pressed for it to intervene” in Yugoslavia

“On the day the Slovenian Parliament and the Croatian Parliament voted for independence, I requested a closed-door session on the situation in Yugoslavia at the OSCE session in Berlin, chaired by Genscher, according to James Baker, because of the It threatens world peace. I said in my speech that Yugoslavia came into conflict with itself, that it had fallen into disrepair as a federation and that it should be redefined as a community of republics, “Loncar said.

He asserts that for the military intervention that would have prevented war in the SSR, “they were not Americans, because they did not want to provoke the Russian military leadership.”

An embargo on arms imports into the republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia followed, and Loncar says Croatian rightists blame him for the resolution.

“Whenever there is an armed conflict in a country, the UN automatically imposes an embargo on arms exports to those areas. We, like the US Secretary of State, James Baker, have had information that the JNA wants to buy arms Two billion worth to the USSR. The alarming event was the secret departure of Admiral Stane Brovet to Moscow. The JNA was playing the card of the army’s discontent with Gorbachev, “says Loncar. He adds that the JNA wanted to acquire weapons outside of Gorbachev and that they informed the then Soviet leader about it.

He explains that the resolution prohibiting the export of arms was drafted by countries in favor of Croatia, and that Croatian weapons continued through “their own channels.”

Loncar says he asked then-federal Prime Minister Ante Markovic to replace General Kadijevic, with whom he had constant conflicts.

“I am convinced that it was crucial for Slobodan Milosevic to win over JNA. He succeeded when Serbia very cleverly nominated Kadijevic for the fourth overall star,” Loncar says, adding that “the army drove the last nail into the SSRD’s coffin.” .

Loncar also says that “Croatia, despite the NDH mortgage, became the winner through Yugoslavia.”

“There has been an expansion into territories that it has never had, from Istria, Rijeka, to some islands and my Zadar. Croatia has expanded as a percentage relative to its size among the victorious countries. That legacy of Yugoslavia is invaluable to the integrity of Croatia. “The veterans of this war are not called freedom fighters but defenders. They defended what was created during the War of National Liberation, during the partisans, Tito, because Milosevic wanted to change the borders, “Loncar said.

(List Kurir.rs/Sputnjik/Jutarnji)

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