Brussels’ negotiating capacity in the test: if the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is in crisis again


As a precaution regarding the coronavirus – Soon Twitter, the European Union envoy for dialogue explains that Aleksandar Vučić and Avdulah Hoti did not meet on September 28 in Brussels. Shortly after, the European Commission announced, it is working every day to allow a new meeting of the heads of negotiating teams or political leaders in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

“They are constantly playing deaf-mute mediator of these conversations you don’t have the strength to hit the table with your fist when this deal is to be made. Pristina certainly won’t do that without him. ” considers the head of diplomacy Ivica Dačić.

Executive Director European Western Balkans Nikola Burazer believes that since the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels continued after a year and a half hiatus, we have not seen any significant step in that process.

“Much more attention was paid to the agreement in Washington and what will follow,” says Burazer.

Brussels overview

It seems that this is why, rising higher and higher since July 16, after the blocking and the first direct meeting between Vučić and Hoti, Brussels has lost its primacy.

The summary reads: After that, expert-level meetings followed, in late July and August. The second time it was debated at the highest political level.

Dusan Gajic, a reporter for RTS from Brussels, affirms that in this first phase two new topics were opened, the topic of missing and displaced people, as well as the topic of improving economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

He adds that, after the second meeting at the president and prime minister level, it was announced that progress had been made, full agreement on the issue of the disappeared.

“At that time, the details of that agreement were not announced, nor when the implementation of the agreement should begin,” recalls Gajic.

Is the ZSO question on the table?

After only two and a half months in Brussels circles, but also beyond, the question is whether the dialogue has again entered a crisis. It turned out that the two parties could not agree on anything to be discussed, which is much more important: if the issue of ZSO is on the table.

The EU is unequivocal, sooner or later it will be discussed. They note that this is an international obligation for Pristina, and they hope to propose in the next phase of negotiations how that point will be applied.

“Because the absurdity is precisely that the Pristina side is not fulfilling its obligations, and the future path of Serbia’s European integration depends on that,” believes Natasa Dragojlovic of the National Convention of the European Union.

“The EU cannot promise or grant Serbia and Kosovo membership in the EU as a reward for continuing the dialogue process, especially since Kosovo is not recognized as a state of five EU member states, while Serbia has a serious governance problem, rights, which some Member States insist on, “says Nikola Burazer.

It is with these chapters and Chapter 35 on Kosovo and Metohija that the Union assesses Serbia’s progress on the European path.

That encouragement, which is often read as pressure, can be applied to the other side of the dialogue. Visa liberalization for the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija is Pristina’s first goal on the European path.

EU credibility and capacity

“It is a question of the EU’s ability and credibility to demonstrate that it is capable of leading in line with those grand ambitions that were set earlier, especially in the context of a competitive parallel process in Washington and when it is clear practically from the step in a step where there is no essential coordination between Washington and Brussels to carry out talks on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, ”said Gajic.

“If there is the idea that this problem can be solved outside the European framework and that the entire Western Balkan region can and should end anywhere except the European Union, then it is definitely a mistake to think that the citizens of the region do not They are willing to pay, and therefore I think that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Layen, is right when she says: “If we share the same continent, we will share the same destiny,” said Dragojlovic.

Since 2011, when negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina began, under the auspices of the European Union, delegations have traveled to the Brussels table more than 200 times. The negotiations resulted in 48 agreements. The agreement was mainly implemented by Serbia.
