BROKEN HANDS OF “CLEANING” WORKER: A Belgrade citizen attacked a cleaner because he did not want to collect leaves


The wounded man was taken to the Emergency Center, where he was given help. Criminal charges will be brought against the attacker.

According to the “cleaning”, his employee was asked to clean the surfaces between blocks and remove the sheets, which, as explained in this company, is not his competence.

– Although JKP “Gradska cistoća” meets the needs of fellow citizens every day and hires workers to clean public areas that are not otherwise under the jurisdiction of the company, the regional manager cannot make the decision on such actions on his own initiative, even at the request of fellow citizens. That is why Mitic tried to explain to an unknown fellow citizen that he does not have the authority to hire communal workers for such an extraordinary activity and that he must send a request to the “Purity” service, which decides on these issues. Dissatisfied with the response, the man attacked Mitic’s coach, who, due to a strong blow on the asphalt, suffered a broken left arm – said Marko Popadić, director of “Gradske čistoće”.

The police were informed about the attack, who immediately went out into the field and conducted an investigation.

– Unfortunately, attacks on JKP “Gradska cistoća” employees are not uncommon, but although the most common targets of physical and verbal confrontations are communal workers, we see that other employees can also be victims of dissatisfied people. We are very unpleasantly surprised and outraged by the brutal attack by a fellow citizen against a man who does his job with honesty and devotion, and for the benefit of all fellow citizens. The company is obliged to protect its employees, and violence is something that we will not tolerate in any way, and that is why criminal charges will be brought against this attacker – said Popadić.

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