Brnabieva: We close schools and kindergartens on one condition


The Prime Minister of Serbia says that students in the older grades of primary and secondary schools will switch to online classes and that kindergartens will be closed.

Source: Tanjug



As the only condition, he stated that this is how the Crisis Tab experts should advise.

He said he would hear the opinion and recommendations of the professional part of the Crisis tab in the morning session on how to teach in senior classes and kindergarten work.

“One of his recommendations was to consider online classes for the upper grades, in grades five to eight and intermediate grades,” Brnabieva said when asked by journalists after the opening of the slide of the Vienna laboratory of the Faculty of Electronics in Niue.

If this is confirmed tomorrow, says the Prime Minister, it will be possible to move to online classes as soon as possible, because, he adds, all techniques are ready for that.

“I still think that it is about the younger students, that it is safer for them in the car, but if the experts advise me otherwise, we have no problem adopting their advice,” said Brnabieva.

The same, he says, applies to kindergartens, adding that if the Crisis Tab’s expert council is in favor of dissolving kindergartens, it will be done.

He recalled that there were problems in March, April and May, because a large number of people demanded the closure of cars and kindergartens, and then most criticized their closure and asked who would now take care of the children.

“Really, under public pressure, I can’t make decisions like that. Really trained people have to tell me that it’s the right way, that it’s safer than babysitting at home. That’s my dilemma, but if expert services advise me , we have no problem doing it, “Brnabieva said.

“We will find our beds, but who will lie down?”

There are places in Belgrade to cater for all those who need hospital treatment, but it is important to know that there are not enough health workers, says Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi.

He said today, at the inauguration of the slide of the multipurpose laboratory of the Faculty of Electronics in Niu, that the health care system is overloaded, but that it “still holds.”

Brnabieva recalled that the kovid hospital in Batajnica would open soon and called for all prescribed measures to be taken.

“These measures are an obligation and a recommendation, but it is important that each of us be responsible and keep contact to a minimum, until the vaccine arrives, which I hope to have in December,” said the prime minister.

He also says that at the moment it makes no sense to say if there are more beds in the hospitals, because it is true, that is not the point.

“We will find the beds, it is not a problem, but who is going to lie down?” Asked Brnabieva.
