The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabi, assessed that it was not too late to introduce measures against the spread of the coronavirus.
Source: Tanjug

He stated that he believes that so far they have managed to find a balance between health care and people’s daily lives and maintaining the economy.
“I don’t think we are late with any of the measures. The situation is complex, so it is complex,” Brnabieva told a Serbian parliament session, adding that the situation would be the same and that the measures were introduced earlier, as can be seen in other countries. it had earlier and much more restrictive measures and yet sadly it has catastrophic numbers.
In the part of the session in which the members of the government respond to the questions of the parliamentarian, she said that the virus is like that at this time of year and recalled that everyone in the Taboo Crisis said from the beginning that autumn and winter will be extremely difficult.
“As Prime Minister and someone who runs the Crisis Sheet, I have always tried and am trying to find the best possible measure between epidemiological measures, life and the economy. It would be different if the virus was not present all year, we fight in March with extremely restrictive measures. but then you see that even people can’t take it, and only the economy can’t take it, “Brnabieva said.
The Prime Minister stated that they tried to leave some economic entities open to work, those for which they believe that there is no special epidemiological risk, and that is precisely why some people live and feed their families on that.
In that sense, he said that one of the recommendations of the professional part of the Crisis tab was to close all beauty salons at 5 in the afternoon.
“What would the people who run those salons do? What would they make a living from? Is it an especially risky place? Is there a difference between going there at 3:00 PM or 7:00 PM? M.? It is not the same as cafes and restaurants, I fought “As much as I can, and if I made a mistake, I will not hesitate to admit it and take personal responsibility,” said the Prime Minister.
He also said that he tried to think about the lives of people and their families, how to do their job, especially small businesses, how to feed their children, and that is because it is impossible to help them with the budget while fighting the coronavirus. a lot of money is reserved.
It should be remembered that the Government of Serbia today adopted a new measure in the fight against the coronavirus, and it is related to the work of primary and secondary schools.