Brnabić: Vaccines against COVID-19 before the end of the year – Society


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said that the first coronavirus vaccines would be delivered to Serbia before the end of the year, meaning that Serbia will remain one of the first countries to receive vaccines.

Brnabić: Vaccinations against COVID-19 before the end of year 1Photo: EPA-EFE / ANDREJ CUKIC

According to today’s Belgrade media, after visiting the works in the Moravian Corridor, Brnabic said that his recent statement on vaccines was not well interpreted in the media, that is, that he said that only one company declared that Serbia could obtain vaccines only in December 2021.

“We are talking to all the companies … Serbia is not a country like before, but a country that today has political strength and credibility.” We will really have that vaccine in December of this year, ”said the Prime Minister.

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