Brnabic: The lists of the future government published by the media are funny – Politika


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said that the lists that supposedly contain the exact composition of the future Serbian government are “funny”, saying that the media that published them only want to increase their readership.

Brnabic: The lists of the future government published by the media are funny 1Photo: Beta / Ap

He stated on TV Pink that it was a “matrix” according to which the media “lie, and then (among themselves) comment on it as if it were true.”

“One positive thing for all of us as a compliment is that they do not attack any of our results,” said Brnabić.

He said that “it is up to the organs of the Serbian Progressive Party” to make decisions about the composition of the future Serbian government, but that the President of Serbia and the SNS Aleksandar Vucic “have no problem offering more” than anyone earned in the elections, alluding to smaller parties. entered the Assembly.

“The idea is to have the broadest possible social consensus on difficult issues,” Brnabic said.

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