Brnabic: The exhibition is ready, about 50 percent of the ministers will be women



The representative for the composition of the new Government of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, declared that about 50 percent of the new ministers will be women and that two new ministries will undoubtedly be formed, among which is the Ministry of Human Rights and of the Minorities and Social Dialogue.

He affirmed that the minister who will direct that department “will not be easy.”

Brnabic told TV Pink that he was still unable to speak about the names and potential coalition partners until he presented them at the presidential session of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and received the support of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the rest of the party.

He adds that he will send a proposal to the National Assembly very soon and that the new Serbian government will be formed “as soon as possible.”

“The exhibition is ready, I have worked hard on it with my team for the last ten days … Citizens will know what we want to do by 2025,” Brnabic said, adding that the challenges facing the new government will be greater, in order to maintain high rates of economic growth.

As one of the main things of the exhibition, the former prime minister said that the fight against organized crime and corruption will have one of the most important places, but declined to comment if that means a change in the leadership of the Interior Ministry.

Asked if it was true that some ministers “went to foreign embassies” and asked for the support of other countries to remain in government, Brnabic said it was true and that it was “the worst thing that could have been done.” .

“If any foreign embassy pushes for someone to be in government, their chances of entering the government are proportionally reduced,” Brnabic said.

To the criticism that the formation of the executive powers was slow, he said that it was because “greater confidence of the citizens means greater responsibility.”

“When you have so much trust in citizens … you really sit down and think about how to justify so much trust in citizens. You can form a government in three minutes when you have such a majority,” Brnabic said.

He adds that, although he makes a lot of decisions on his own, he consults with Vučić on many issues, to be “silly and pretentious not to do that.”

“Many politicians from much more advanced countries would consult with Vučić if they could, and I have a mechanism by which I can do that,” Brnabić said.

Commenting on the statements of the EU special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, who said that the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina would not be carried out without the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities, Brnabic said that the The EU is to blame for many years of non-compliance with the Brussels agreement.

“The EU is Serbia’s closest partner, the next government will work to make (Serbia) a member state … but (Brussels’ behavior) also opens doors and windows for Pristina’s behavior,” said the prime minister. designated.

She adds that it was “disappointing” for her that the same phrases are repeated in the European Commission reports from year to year, regardless of whether Pristina did something or not, as well as the fact that the chapter on normalization of relations destined for Belgrade and Pristina was the same.

“That is unacceptable for us. I told (European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver) Varhelji that it is an insult, that both parties are asked to work harder. The community of Serbian municipalities must be formed, not as a non-governmental organization but as intended and as agreed in the Brussels Agreement, “says Brnabić.

It also believes that reaching an agreement with Pristina is a matter of security, that the objective is to prevent a possible outbreak of an armed conflict and that Serbia has much more to lose from Kosovo, given the progress it has made in the economic sphere.

“I am afraid that politicians in the region, when they do not have ideas that should lead to a better quality of life (for their citizens), will generate tensions to divert attention from the problem,” Brnabic said.
