Brnabic on the adoption of new measures


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced that new somewhat restrictive measures will be adopted today or tomorrow at the latest to combat the coronavirus epidemic.

He said he would meet today with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić to jointly discuss “some measures” and their compliance with the Constitution.

“If these measures will be the most restrictive depends on the number of new infected today, because Tuesday is usually a very difficult day in that sense. According to the cutoff this morning at 8 o’clock, it seems to be a difficult day, but It is not a jump like Tuesday of last week. ” the prime minister told Pink television.

Stating that the measures that have already been adopted give certain results, he confirmed that there are different opinions among the members of the Crisis Staff on which measures would be the most effective.

“We are monitoring the situation in Europe and beyond, so we are also guided by that,” said the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
