Brnabić on insulting journalists H1 and Nova S.


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic evaluated that the deputies of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), who insulted the journalists of H1 and Nova S in the Serbian Parliament, were wrong and added that the president of the progressives, Aleksandar Vucic, was he apologized on behalf of the party on Thursday.

“They are young, they are going to learn, we will talk to them. We as a party invest a lot in the youth of the party, they are the future. I am very proud to be a member of that party because the president reacted immediately,” Brnabic said when asked by H1 . opening of the Kovid hospital in Batajnica.

The prime minister of Serbia says she believes that “these young people will learn and that they have already understood today what message the party chairman sent.”

“I think it’s wrong, it shouldn’t have happened. I think they won’t do it anymore and that’s why I’m extremely satisfied and proud of it,” Brnabić said.

He pointed out that there should be the same standards for all people, journalists and media in Serbia, and asked “why is it not an issue when other journalists and media are threatened”.

“I think there are people and media in Serbia that divide people into first and second order people, first and second order media. It is inadmissible for me, it is inadmissible for President Vučić,” said Brnabić, stating that he is the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party. Dragan Djilas “threatened some journalists and the media.”

It should be remembered that in the previous days it was possible to hear from the parliamentary benches that TV N1 and TV Nova S are “anti-state construction”, “anti-Serbian media”, “foreign mercenaries, domestic traitors”, that “there are few political parties recently registered “and that their behavior is absolutely anti-state.”
