Brnabic: Belgrade is not one of the most polluted cities in the world – Politics


Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said Serbia had signed bilateral agreements for the purchase of vaccines with Pfizer, the maker of Sputnik We, and China’s Sinofarm, and that according to the delivery plan, part of those vaccines is expected before the end of the year. .

Brnabic: Belgrade is not one of the most polluted cities in the world 1Photo: Rosa

Speaking as a guest on TV Pink, she said that Serbia expects Pfizer vaccines first, as it has been negotiating with that company for the longest time and for which the Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices has already given permission to use them.

“We expect the first quantities this week. Surely it will not be large quantities, but there will not be quantities for testing either … but for vaccination. In January and February, we should have significantly larger quantities,” Brnabić said.

He assessed that the fight for vaccines was “painful” and that the gap between rich and poor would become an “insurmountable gulf” due to the coronary virus pandemic.

“There is very little empathy between the richest countries in the world towards the poorest. It is especially important, as during the fight for respirators, that Serbia had the financial power not only to buy vaccines, but also to give a sneak peek, queue for those vaccines, and political credibility to speak directly to manufacturers, which not all countries can. “.

He also claimed that producers would be reached through “political connections”, and that most of the communication was led by President Aleksandar Vučić, who “can say more” about foreign policy partners in this process.

Brnabic added that Hungary is one of Serbia’s best partners and that it did not withhold any information from official Belgrade, as well as that negotiations were held with Budapest on the joint production of a Russian solution.

Speaking of ecology, Brnabić stated that the Serbian capital is not one of the most polluted cities in the world, but that the Serbian Government started working to solve the existing problem during 2015.

Speaking as a guest on TV Pink, she stated that the problem of pollution for decades “certainly exists”, as well as that Belgrade does not have enough measuring stations, like other cities in Europe.

“An important indicator of how we solve problems is that in the government’s first month of work, we laid another cornerstone for the desulfurization plant at the Nikola Tesla thermal power plant,” Brnabić said.

When asked if there was a coal mafia mentioned by Petnica Research Station director Vigor Majic, Brnabic said that she had reviewed the Ministry of Energy, EPS and inspections, and that, as she says, we have no concrete evidence of that statement.

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