Brnabi: We have a world-class politician, I would consult him even if he is not the president.


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi said that regardless of the election results in the United States, Serbia will continue to strengthen relations with that country.

Source: B92

Print Screen: TV First

Print Screen: TV First

She told Prva TV that she was closely monitoring the vote counting in the US presidential election.

“Whoever is elected in the US presidential election, we will continue to strive to strengthen our relations with the United States. If Donald Trump is re-elected, we already have good communication with his team. President Vui is with him personally, and again I must say that “President Wui knows Biden well. We have good direction and we can’t influence events in America, but we can influence the relationship, “he said.

She said that she was satisfied with the composition of the new government and that they were working “no day”.

“We have no time to waste. I am trying to take the time to see the ministers,” he said.

Brnabieva said that together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vui, he formed the government.

“I think it’s normal because the list that bears his name has won an absolute majority in parliament, and we have a world-class politician with whom he would consult and do business even if he was not president. I think that as a country we should be proud of this man.” . she said.

Brnabieva stated that there is no problem with vanity, nor what people will call it as long as unemployment is falling in Serbia and as long as Serbia is “the economic winning country in Europe”.

He especially praised the new Minister Daria Kisi Tepavevi, who after only seven days was very familiar with the work of the ministry that corresponded to her.

As he said, the replacement of certain ministers occurred because a new vision of things is needed, new energies and some things must change.

The Prime Minister said that one of the most important forces in Serbia is that she and Vui are a team and that they learn from him every day.

“I am proud to be on his team and I think it works for our citizens, that’s all that matters to me,” Brnabi said.

“More than ever we have to close ranks”

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi said today that Serbia is ready to continue the dialogue with Pristina at the highest level, stating that it is up to Brussels when it will happen.

He recalled that the conversations at the technical level continue.

“We are ready and that is why we had a government thematic session attended by the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vui and the President of the Assembly of Serbia Ivica Dai. This is an extremely good format considering the challenges we will have in 2021 and when it comes to fighting crime. ” the fight against the coronavirus and in relation to Kosovo, “said Brnabi.

The Prime Minister said that more than ever “we have to close ranks” and announced that she would call Vuia and Daia again in a government session to discuss these matters.

Brnabi said that those thematic sessions of the Serbian Government will be held once every three months.

At the end of the year, the results of the fight against the mafia.

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabi, said today that she held individual meetings with the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vui, and the Minister of Justice, Maja Popovi, on the fight against the mafia, and that the results of that fight will be seen before the end of the year.

“I had a meeting with the Minister of Justice on Saturday, with the president yesterday. We are working on that in the most serious way,” Brnabi said.

When asked if the results would be seen soon, Brnabi said it would be by the end of the year.
