BRIGADE TO HIT AND WASTE TIME They have just sat in the parliamentary seats, and already stand out for their GARBAGE, IGNORANCE AND HATE


When do deputies represent when they “support the day of violence against women”, speak of “foreign mercenaries and domestic traitors”, recite, rap, charm, sleep on the assembly bench? The citizens? It is unlikely, because they laugh at them, make fun of them or, at best, blush and change the channel.

And it is no secret to anyone that the National Assembly has been assuming the contours of a reality show for decades, only that we are currently seeing the dispute of the deputies with themselves, with linguistics, rhetoric and stylistics and good taste, because there is almost no parliamentary session, and even for an objective observer. for a non-Western speech by one of the people’s representatives.

Neither do the limits of time of intervention help, when the deputies transmit hatred, shame and ignorance as soon as they reach the microphone.

And no, they are not beginners’ mistakes, although there are many new and young faces among them. It’s not just about how they present themselves either.

When you listen carefully to them, you realize that what they wanted to say doesn’t make any sense. That these are often crappy phrases that remind us of the creepy war nineties or the dumb student who vouches for a passing grade, even in newly composed colleges.

And what are they talking about?

When acres become the property of language

The latest example, to put it mildly, of an incoherent speech recently came from SNS MP Bratislav Bate Jugović, who jogged as the unit spoke on the surface.

– This policy is measured in hectares, that is, it is measured in a hectare of wealth, that is, in real estate, in hectares, hectares of Dragan Djilas himself – Jugović managed to say with all his suffering.

Something similar happened to his colleague Viktor Jevtović, who expressed a hand firmer than a clear phrase during the stage fright. Thus, striking the table with his fist, he unconsciously expressed his misogynistic attitude.

– Before the introductory speech and the beginning of my presentation, I want to support the day of violence against women today – Jevtović said and soon corrected himself, but he kept hitting, above all, on the table.

Atlagić and “Belogrlić” without J.

Deputy Marko Atlagić took more care of spelling in the assembly, as he read the name of one of the most famous Serbian actors, Dragan Bjelogrlić, several times intermittently and incorrectly in his speech on paper.

– I have nothing to say about Belogrlić (omit his last name) … He is a man without a shred of morality and shame. If he had had at least a little morale, he would have kept the promise he made to the citizens of the Republic of Serbia when he said that he would leave Serbia if the “1 in 5 million” protests failed. The protests failed, so I ask you to keep your promise, as a highly moral person. After all, I will not deal with Belogrlić, Bjelogrlić, a man who deals with bribery and corruption … – said Atlagić.

He showed that he has a special selection of actors, a few days before that, when he attacked Jelisaveta Seka Sablić.

– This lady really lacks patriotism. He said that the homeland is where you feel good and not where your sarma is. Madam, you lack patriotic sentiments! – he affirmed.

However, Atlagić has other “goals”, so he once had a lot to say to the teachers.

Hazardous labeling

One of the appearances of SNS deputy Biljana Pantić Pilje went well too, because she wrote some very dangerous sentences without hesitation.

In other words, he publicly called out certain media outlets that, as he said, “can only be described in one sentence: a domestic traitor.”

Messages to the non-existent opposition

His younger colleague Luka Kebara is in the parliamentary seats for the first time, and he has already “stood out” with various addresses, that users of social networks did not miss, on the contrary. One of the recordings that “rotated” a lot was his performance dedicated to the opposition, more precisely to that part of it that did not even attend the June elections.

– Listen to the opinions of others, the opinions of minorities and the opinions of the opposition. Well, we remember in the last call to parliament, we had a lot of problems with the opposition. In particular, some representatives of the opposition, some of their deputies destroyed the inventory in the National Assembly. They destroyed the inventory of parliament. And we allow it, just to show that we are the ones who insist on democracy. Well, some of our deputies were also physically attacked – said Kebara.

Palm and anti-vaccine attitudes

In this, the last parliamentary call, the leader of United Serbia Dragan Markovic Palma “stood out” in his speeches, who spoke of various things, from Ivica Dacic’s pants to comments on the corona virus for which he was condemned by opinion public. many understand it as an antivaxer.

He also had something to say about some of the crisis staff doctors, specifically Dr. Predrag Kon, who responded to him on one occasion.

Assembly rap

In this new call, the citizens had the opportunity to hear a somewhat unusual performance – with rap.

SPS MP Jelena Mihajlović made a kind of musical performance in the Serbian Parliament some time ago, rapping at the end of her presentation.
