Branimir Nestorović revealed where he would invest his money: In this area, we can be world powers



12.21.2020. 09:08

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Hello! / Ognjen Radošević

On last night’s Hit Tweet show, which airs on Pink TV, the guests in the studio were Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, the singer Natasa Bekvalac and the doctor Branimir Nestorovic.

Guests discussed a number of topics and much attention was paid to the discussion of ecology and the possible consequences caused by a dirty environment.

Dr. Nestorović says that ecology is problematic and that it is often done and built, without thinking about the long-term consequences. He points out that ecology is an expensive discipline, and not solving it means that we could be “very sick” in the future.

– Every year 6,000 people die from air pollution and the next is tobacco. When it’s polluted like this, those who criticize the pollution sit and smoke, Nestorović said on the Hit Tweet program.

Dr. Nestorovic He says he doesn’t know many details about tire production, that he knows they are considered “dirty technology,” but he knows more information. He says that if I asked him, he would invest money in agriculture.

– I would like us to be a superpower on that issue. The Netherlands is smaller than us and is the world leader in egg production. We can be a force and micro-enterprises could employ many, and they are friendly to the environment – says the doctor.

Dr. Nestorović says that he is very upset that our people are looking forward to the attacks that are coming to our country from Croatia. They call us, as he says, savages, little Russians and people who do not deserve anything.

– Everyone likes to come to Belgrade, they consider it a metropolis and this creation of evil blood does not make sense. I don’t know if anyone in Belgrade has ever faced the Zagreb look, says Dr. Nestorović for “Hit Tweet”.

He evaluates Komšić and Džaferović’s play as “stupid and ugly”.

Branimir Nestorović

Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Hello! / Ognjen Radošević

There is a general campaign against Russia

Tonight, Dr. Branimir Nestorović also spoke on the Hit Tweet program about the scandal with the icon that Milorad Dodik gave to Sergey Lavrov, which was allegedly stolen.

He evaluated it in the context of the general campaign against Russia, which is now raging in Europe.

– This is happening at the moment because it is estimated that the return of Biden could change the world order – he said, and affirmed that it was only a media preparation.

He pointed out that it is just a media preparation, and that this environment is being created in Serbia because everyone sees us as little Russians, who do not deserve anything.

– I would just like to remind you how Shoigu responded to the German minister. Let him ask his grandfather how the last conversation between the Germans from the position of power with Russia ended. Russia is a superpower, you may like it or not. I love her, but it can’t be ignored – said Dr. Nestorović.
