BOX COVERED WITH GREEN TABLECLOTH – This color is especially important in Christianity, and here is its meaning (PHOTO)


What we need to know is that the color green in Orthodox Christians is a symbol of hope in the eternal bliss that we have obtained through the merit of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, the color green is also the clothes that the patriarchs wear, they even sign with green ink.

The vestments of the church are of certain colors, each of which has a special meaning. White is a symbol of joy, purity and enlightenment.

– The color red has the meaning of the blood shed by Christ and his disciples, apostles, saints and martyrs.

– The color green is a symbol of hope for eternal beatitude, acquired through the merit of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

– The colors black and dark red represent remorse and sadness. The clothes themselves warn the priest to perform pious services and remind him of the virtues by which he must distinguish himself.

Each sacred garment must be consecrated by a bishop or a priest. When the clothes are put on, the prayers prescribed by Tipik are said. Clothing can only be worn for worship purposes.


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