Bought BELGRADE’S MOST EXPENSIVE APARTMENT ON THE WATER: It’s 144 square meters, and here’s what you paid for it


The owner of the most expensive apartment sold set aside up to 1,313,888 euros for 144 square meters, or more than 9,000 euros per square meter!

A record old construction price of 3,737 euros was achieved for an apartment in the Old Town, and the highest amount of money in the amount of 810,000 euros for a five-room apartment in the same municipality.

Data from the Geodetic Authority of the Republic show that the total billing for the first half of the year, compared to the same period last year, is somewhat lower due to the fall in traffic during the state of emergency. The total value of real estate turnover during the first six months was 1,700 million euros. The number of properties traded fell 13 percent.

The average price per square meter of old buildings was 997 euros, and 1,337 euros for new ones, while in the first half of last year 950 euros should have been reserved for old apartments and 1,320 euros for new ones, which It means that buyers paid more per square meter than last year.

Milić Đoković from the Real Estate Cluster says that the trend of buying with cash continues, because in up to 67 percent of cases, real estate was paid for in cash and in 33 percent with loans.

– Traffic is good and it cannot be said that there will be significant changes at the end of the year – thinks Djokovic. – If there were no epidemic, the growth in real estate turnover would be around 15 percent. The apartments are expensive, but I can’t say that the prices are unrealistic.


Weekend home billing increased by as much as 39 percent. In the first six months, 551 vacation homes were sold, while in the same period last year they were 155 less. The highest demand was in Vojvodina, in the municipalities on the slopes of Fruška gora. The record holder is Indjija, where 98 houses were sold, almost double the number in the same period last year when the new owners got 52. In this municipality the second highest house price of 200,000 euros was achieved. The single most expensive holiday home was in Cajetina, in Zlatibor, for 53,000 euros. The cheapest cabin was bought for 1,000 euros, in Zrenjanin.

Nenad Djordjevic, Vice President of the Real Estate Agents Group of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, explains that most of the buyers paying in cash are people who previously sold the property that belonged to them.

– Others, who pay in cash, use money from savings in banks, because it is more profitable for them to rent a purchased property than to save in a bank – says Djordjevic. – After the fall in traffic during the state of emergency of around 70 percent, the situation returned to normal immediately after its abolition and traffic already reached the level of February in May.

Most of the transactions took place in June, with the highest number of sales recorded in Vojvodina, while Belgrade ranked second. The number of home sales during the weekends has increased significantly, accounting for one percent of total billing.

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