Botting, fictional work and burning diplomas – Society


The storm around Ena Nedić, a teacher and former POKS member who protested in front of the assembly, is not easing

From a heroine to the most hated person, this is how you could describe the path that Serbian professor Novi Sad Ena Nedić crossed in less than 24 hours.

Botching, fictional work and burning diplomas 1Photo: N1

The day before yesterday, he set his diploma on fire in front of the National Assembly Chamber, saying that his diploma made no sense, because young and educated people have no perspective in Serbia, while people who do not deserve it, starting with state leadership , are in positions.

That sparked excitement in the general public, which, however, soon turned to hate when his status appeared on Facebook, posted on March 18.

In it, he spoke about the alleged harassment, sexual harassment and psychological harassment that survived as a member of POKS, but also about bots and organized trips across Serbia to political demonstrations.

Ena Nedić worked at the Novi Sad Youth Theater, which was a fictional work obtained through POKS, and during that time bottled and wrote holiday statements.

He did not specify which foreigner was in question, but considering that in his job description, in addition to bots, he also organized trips to rallies and rallies of support, it is supposed to be a Serbian Progressive Party.

As a reason to leave the Movement, Nedic, in addition to the pressures he suffered, expressed his disappointment with the decision of the monarchical leadership to support the SNS in the elections. She says she previously believed in the idea of ​​a childhood party (POKS), but also that, as a single mother, she needed a job.

He also noted that he realized that the Movement for the Renewal of the Kingdom is a bogus opposition party, which is actually funded by Andrej Vučić and Nikola Selaković, that every sure vote of the monarchists goes to their coffers “and the funds for a campaign in which the opposition is playing. “

He describes his political experience as extremely inhuman, stressful, and traumatic.

“I experienced fatal professional, human and life disappointments. With job guarantees and independent participation in elections without the SNS, I was invited to work through a newly formed quasi-monarchist party, I believed I had a perspective,” said Nedic, and added that later he got a job in the public sector, at the Theater. youth in Novi Sad. She explains that her job was to work at the party’s Information Service “six days a week with no fixed work schedule – availability all day.”

“My job included monitoring the media, writing national press releases, statements to party officials and illiterate representatives in the National Assembly who couldn’t even read bills, hold conferences, educate employees across the party , promoting lies throughout Serbia, every day I was practically forced to travel at the expense of the public company “Cleaning” to Pirot, Prijepolje, Raska, Divcibare, Vrsac, Macva, Drina …, gerontology center, schools, company utility, water supply, heating plant, “said Nedić.

She refused, she says, to work on a campaign in support of Aleksandar Vučić, with whom POKS dated a coalition in Novi Sad, and was later fired. According to her testimony, she was previously offered to enter the assembly as a councilor, which she rejected.

POKS President Zika Gojkovic reacted to her announcement, stating that the only truth is that Ena Nedic was a member of POKS and that she was involved in its information service for about two years.

According to him, Nedic “was silent” that he was previously a member of the SNS, and now, as she says, he has joined an opposition party that advocates a boycott.

– Ms Nedic was silent that before our party she was a member of the Serbian Progressive Party and that, by her own admission, she did business, as she said “bots” herself. Dissatisfied that she did not get the expected job as compensation for her work, she left that party and joined us. Her words that she was fired thanks to POKS at the institution where she worked, because “she did not agree to support Aleksandar Vučić” do not make sense and she denies them herself, alleging that she left her job a little later, as well as the fact that for for a longer period he was a member of the SNS, Gojković said, adding that a lawsuit would be filed against Ena Nedić, as well as criminal charges on the charges.

Ena Nedic was not available for comment yesterday.

Mobbing every day

– Because of the advancement in my career that I did not even want, I was offered sexual services, I suffered daily mobbing by my superiors in the most unpleasant ways that I would not remember, but there are in the law files and my memories – said Ena Nedic. In response to her claims, playwright Biljana Srbljanović stated on her Facebook profile that “a woman who burned ‘diplomas’ in front of the assembly, in the name of protests against the Serbian education system, studied for almost seven years and graduated with A 7.7 “GPA” is privately also about spreading false news against migrants, leading to more frequent attacks on them, as well as conspiracy theories about Bill Gates-Marina Abramović-baked-5g address, in which he managed to even blacken Biljana Đurđević, our great painter. ” . She stated that “the only thing that probably happened to her was sexual harassment by her superior, and that is why that assailant must respond, especially because she was fired from a (fictitious) job, because she resisted him.”

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