Bosnia’s National Council revoked Muamer Zukorlic’s mandate



At the session, the Bosnian National Council decided to revoke the mandate of the council of Muamer Zukorlic, holder of the “Matica Bosnjacka” list and leader of the Justice and Reconciliation Party (SPP).

Zukorić is also the chairman of the committee for education, science, technological development and information society of the Serbian Assembly.

The statement states that Zukorlic’s mandate was revoked “because he did not participate in the Council’s work for more than a year,” which created the conditions for the mandate to be assigned to the next person on his list.

In a statement to Danas, Zukorlic assessed that the revocation of the mandate is “a political provocation to which he will react in cold blood”, that is, that he will not respond in any way.

“Such behavior indicates that BNV was privatized by two political groups and that it does not serve the national interests of the Bosnians at all, but exclusively the personal and party interests, including the misuse of budget funds,” said Zukorlic.

He added that he did not attend the BNV sessions because, as he pointed out, his security was in danger in the constituent session.

The BNV convocation consists of 35 councilors, of which Sulejman Ugljanin’s “Samoopredeljenje” list has 14 seats, the “Matica bosnjacka” list 13 and the “Vakat je” list, close to the Sandzak Democratic Party, eight seats.

The session also adopted last year’s final account and adopted the financial plan for this year.

Individual BNV board members were fired and appointed, but the statement did not specify which members were involved.
