05/10/2020 13:28 – 10.05.2020. 13:38

Boško Obradović, Photo: Hello / Masanori Jošida
A few days ago, Obradović and several aggressive supporters blocked the entrance to the Assembly, where they beat, spat, insulted, and prevented parliamentarians, as well as ministers, from entering the parliament building.
One of the deputies who won Visible injury is Marjan Risticevic.
The whole situation received an epilogue with Boško Obradović’s decision to go on a hunger strike in front of the Serbian Assembly, even though he went unpunished for his actions.
Boško Obradović is on a hunger strike, Photo: ALO! Masanori Yoshida
Parliamentarians from the Serbian progressive party Aleksandar Martinovic and Sandra Bozic have started a hunger strike on the steps in front of the National Assembly due to, as we discovered, the prosecutor’s non-reaction to the violence of leader Dveri Bosko Obradovic, who hit MP Marijan Risticevic and verbally attacked him in front of Parliament Minister of Health Zlatibor Loncar

Aleksandar Martinović, Sandra Božić, Photo: Print screen
– The prosecution did not react to the brutal attacks against the deputy Marjan Risticevic and we decided to react. The law should also apply to Dragan Djilas and Bosko Obradovic, so we decided to start a hunger strike. This is an appeal to the competent judicial authorities. Should a bloodshed occur in Serbia for Djilas and the like to come to power? We want the competent authorities to react, said Martinović.
– We hope that an investigation will be launched against Bosko Obradovic and his mentor Dragan Djilas for violent behavior directed at Marijan Risticevic. We hope that the law will be the same for everyone, adds Aleksandar Martinović, who is in front of the Serbian Assembly, where he is on a hunger strike in protest.