Bosko Djurovski is a candidate for deputy


The Healthy Serbia and Best Serbia coalition introduced former Red Star soccer player and Yugoslavia’s national team Boško Đurovski as a candidate for deputy in the June 21 elections.

Healthy Serbia leader Milan Stamatović told reporters that there will be others on that coalition’s list for the upcoming parliamentary elections who will be recognized in their professions.

“We are one of the few coalitions that paid attention to the common man, there will be people on the list who are dedicated to agricultural production. It does not matter how many estimates we win, but what message we send, and it is honest, pure, with people who are something lo they did in their careers, “Stamatovic said.

He added that for the coalition, “the most important job is to preserve national interests”:

“Serbia comes first, citizens second, culture, religion, nation, tradition third, all that constitutes the attributes of a state,” Stamatovic said.

Claiming that the coalition’s electoral slogan is “Hello to win,” Better Serbia President Dragan Jovanović said they have collected more than 9,000 citizen signatures so far on the parliamentary list, and that he hopes to send it to the REC for the end of the week.

“We want to present successful people and a healthy and better Serbia that offers citizens when to vote, because we have always voted against when we are, and now we want people to say when they are on June 21,” said Jovanovic.

He appealed to the media with national frequency to “open up” to smaller parties and coalitions.

Commenting on why he agreed to be the candidate for the Healthy Serbia and Best Serbia coalition for MP, Djurovski said they “have the same thoughts.”

“I worked for 20 years in Switzerland and Japan, the most organized countries in the world, and that experience gives me the right to be able to participate in the campaign for a better and healthier Serbia,” said Djurovski.

He assessed that he can do a lot for sports and the protection of the environment, and that he will especially insist on the improvement of school sports.
