Boris Tadić destroyed the Serbian army by order of the West!



01.02.2021. 22:25

The former president led Operation Turkey, which aimed to destroy the army that joined the NATO line in 1999 and bring it to a level that does not guarantee freedom, General Stupar claims.

Boris Tadić, Photo: Illustration

The first commander of the elite 72nd Brigade for special operations, General Milorad Stupar, charged yesterday former Defense Minister and President Boris Tadic for the destruction of the Serbian army! It claims that Tadić, according to plan, by order of the powerful Westerners, did everything possible to reduce the combat power of our army!

– Our army was destroyed after October 5 more than by the NATO pact during the 1999 bombing. The fact that the government worked after 2000 was operation ‘Ćuran’, according to which the army was reorganized according to up to NATO standards, and that operation was completed in 2011, when military service was abolished, General Stupar said.

Should compulsory military service be reinstated?

NATO plan

The famous commander of the Serbian special forces says that the aim of the operation led by Boris Tadic was to reduce the Serbian army to a ‘negligible measure’:

– The army that came to the line of the NATO pact should have been destroyed, reduced and brought to a level that does not guarantee freedom to the Serbian people. This operation was led from start to finish by former Defense Minister and former President of Serbia Boris Tadic! He ran the defense system of Serbia for nine years, he is responsible for everything and the most responsible. Tadic and his associates did all this according to plan, that is, according to the ‘White Paper’, which was presented in 2006. According to that book, generals who were in Tadic’s role and on the line were also elected of the task of destroying the army – accuses General Stupar, who also named former Chief of the General Staff Zdravko Ponos by name.

If Boris Tadic had not been the president of the state of NATO, General Zdravko Ponos would never have been in charge of the Army. There were several other generals, such as Paskas and Miletic, who carried out this transformation of the army into NATO! In his time, the army was reduced from 400 battalions to just 100, from 1,029 tanks to 239. Just look at these data, in 1999, the Army had 1,000 outboards, 1,500 boats, 230 bulldozers, 200 backhoes, that is, equipment to overcome water obstacles, but also to combat floods. With that force, floods would not be a problem for us in Serbia! And where is all that now? Destroyed and sold for scrap in order to apparently buy new funds. But the Army did not receive a single dinar of that money, Stupar told TV Pink. He also strongly advocated a return from compulsory military service, because, as he said, that is the only guarantee of full security for our state in the future.

Fraud to the people

Retired KOS colonel Ljuban Karan also says that the abolition of military service is one of the biggest scams of the Serbian people.

– That perfidious fraud was precisely in the fact that in 2010 and 2011 it was said that military service was only frozen, that it was not a permanent solution. But that is a permanent solution, because all the conditions have been destroyed for him to return to regular military service. And it was not by accident. At that time the destruction of weapons, both heavy and light, was created, artificial surpluses were created by previously abolishing military conscription … Then, ten years ago, when they decided to ‘freeze’ military service, there was no public debate, then, What would we discuss now? On whether it is better to have trained or untrained people? It’s a waste of time and we don’t have time. The international situation is getting complicated, the Balkans will be one of the sources of crisis and surely there will be some kind of war here, surely a special war awaits us, and that kind of war at some point implies a classic armed conflict. for which we must be prepared – appeals Colonel Karan.

