Boris Dežulović: On Vesić’s Goal – People


Journalist and writer Boris Dežulović responded to Belgrade’s Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić, who stepped on slippery ground when he called him using quotes from Balzac’s “Uncle Gorija”.

Boris Dežulović: In Vesić's Goal 1Photo: wikipedia / Stefica Galic

Goran Vesić probably thought that if he was accepted as an honorary member of the Serbian Writers Association last year, he could seek literary “arguments” against Dežulović, without being exactly the case, Dežulović himself noted, who responded immediately. that “besides being stupid, don’t look at the class.”

It should be remembered that Dežulović gave an interview for “Nedeljnik” in which, among other things, he characterized Belgrade as a city, a city that is “Dubai for the poor and Jagodina for the rich”, immediately provoking a barrage of insults.

In a conversation for the portal “”, Dežulović claimed that “Belgrade committed suicide” and blamed various “icons” of the Serbian capital for that, as it turns out, we must not touch, such as Momo Kapor, Bora Djordjevic and Minimax. ..

He also said that Belgrade does not turn the European metropolis into “monstrous concrete hangars and fake bronze barons Munchausen, which the deputy mayor sees as Croatian jealousy”, followed by the reaction of Vesić, who recalled Balzac and said on Dežulović’s behalf that Belgrade “hates Eugene with fear of Rastinjaka”.

Dežulović recalled that Balzac describes Paris in that 200-year-old novel as “a city crumbling, muddy and screwed up, a city of mad monarchists, war veterans, a burgeoning aristocracy,” a city that was abruptly awakened from Napoleon’s deceptions afterwards. of military defeats.

However, Dežulović also reminds audiences of the fact that this very Balzac novel begins with the question: “Will the world outside of Paris understand this story?” “They will, they will, Vesić will understand, just yell, Balzac.” Tre bijen, “says Dežulović.

He was born in Split in 1964 and in 2005 published a collection of poems “Songs from Lore” and a novel “Fuck a thousand dinars now”.

For the novel “Christkind”, two years earlier, he received the Jutarnji list award for best prose work.

Selections from his columns have been published in the books “Contract with the devil”, “Red and black”, “Crime and punishment”, “War and peace” and “In search of lost time”, as well as the book of interviews ” Conversations with Smoja “, essay books …

Together with Viktor Ivančić and Predrag Lucić, since 1988 he has been editing the satirical sub-brochure Feral Tribune in Nedeljna and Slobodna Dalmacija, respectively, which have been published as an independent satirical-political weekly since 1993.

“He lives and works in a small fishing village between Trieste and Dubrovnik, where he illegally bakes brandy, fishes and occasionally writes things,” he writes in a note about the author in the last, who knows which edition of the novel “Fuck a Thousand Dinars “.

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