BODIES CELEBRATE, NOW CHALLENGE WITH A WAIT: Provocations from south central Serbia have been going on for years, the last one involved an Albanian minister


Referring to the allegedly threatened rights of minorities, although the situation on the ground shows otherwise, they take every opportunity to “threaten” the Serbs, but also to send a message to state leaders.

The Ćazimi monument in Veliki Trnovac is a monumental building where the Albanian flags fly. Serbs hardly even set foot in this town, and in the football club’s facilities there is even a museum where the personal belongings of the so-called Commander Lesia.

The names of the 27 dead “OVPBM soldiers” were engraved on the Presevo monument, which was placed in front of the local self-government, but was removed by the Serbian gendarmerie.

However, after 2000, all these “combatants” received individual memorials at the places where they were buried, so that in the middle of the cemetery in the town of Presevo, the Albanian flag flew over the monument to one of them. According to unofficial information, there are about twenty monuments in southern Serbia, and most of them are in Dobrosin, Konculj and Lucani.

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