Boastful Acrobat: name of known author in newsroom


We have one of the best results, not only in Europe… We will be the best in the region… We will be the only country where there will be wage increases…

Boastful Acrobats 1Photo: Pixabay / Mhouge

This will put us first in Europe in terms of growth … Serbia will have the best macroeconomic performance in Europe … Serbia will have the highest economic growth in Europe in the next two years … Serbia will be the only country in Europe that will not have a decrease in gross domestic product …

I chose these phrases of the President of Serbia at random from the newspaper clipping I read in the morning. The president has spoken them in the last six or seven months. Not a day goes by, rarely two, that the president does not remind us at least twice in 24 hours that we are the best in Europe, and perhaps beyond.

We have become hostages to the president’s competition with Europe. We all know that this battle was lost beforehand and in the long run, but the president does not care about that fact.

He persistently continues to place Serbia on an undeserved pedestal, not realizing that the “pedestal” does not always mean a respected size, but can be a circus pillar on which the acrobat performs his skills to the general delight of the exalted audience. .

Much has been said so far about the deceptions that the government we have been so far has been spreading and how we will continue to be the best in Europe and beyond.

One only needs to turn around and look at the facts realistically and realize that this undeserved pedestal is in marked disagreement with reality. What will be our biggest growth in Europe when our citizens infected with the corona virus with undeserved humiliation are waiting for tests in health centers and dying in the corridors and corners of hospitals?

Why does the president need praise of his own accord? Why do you force yourself and your strongest to parrots how Serbia is the European leader (listen, European leader!)?

There is truth in the thesis that he and they are doing it to eclipse the simplicity of the world that votes for the SNS. I had the opportunity to listen to people in Serbia who believe in that story, they believe so much that they are deaf to the arguments. This means that the propaganda “works”.

Do the president and his entourage believe what they are saying?

Looking at his facial expression, I would say that they are automatically learned phrases, like a message (and voice) generated by an answering machine, without passion, emotions and sparkles in the eyes.

Or does the man at the top of the circus pillar trust only marketing experts who convince him that a lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth?

It could justify a petty lie (I like the term “steal” with which Velja Ilić tried to justify stealing) when it has a motivating role.

I heard from top motivational coaches, managers, and business associates “serving” a crumb of falsehood to employees to boost morale in the face of a difficult decision or help them get through a difficult period that threatens the company’s business.

Then I could understand our acrobat who serves us from the top of the pillar of the circus “selling fog” as an ability to encourage citizens, businessmen, workers to work even harder to overcome the crisis and come out of it as a country that is next to other Europeans. countries.

In times of crisis, this type of stimulus can make sense and sometimes work.

However, it is not in our tradition to brag in such bad taste as if we were sitting on top of Europe, as the president of the state is doing now.

I prefer to say that our people are calm, hard-working and discreet when they achieve the best results. There are also world-famous and proven nations that don’t show off loudly and cheaply, but even when they achieve a great result, they roll up even more sleeves and hold on more quietly and quickly. Because they know that the results speak for themselves above all about someone’s (bad) actions.

Truth meter
