BLOOD STRUGGLE IN THE FLEET IN SUBOTICA Chinese women quarreled, one took SCISSORS and stabbed the other, doctors fight for her life


At the Subotica flea market, the most famous commodity market in this part of the country, today after 11pm, there was a physical conflict and a fight between two women, both Chinese citizens.

IllustrationPhoto: Biljana Vuckovic / RAS Serbia


“Blic” learns that the incident happened at the flea market after a brief discussion, and then a Chinese woman inflicted several stabs with scissors on her compatriot.

– We did not see or hear anything, even though we were at the flea market, but everyone says that two Chinese women quarreled and that one stabbed the other with scissors – says one of the vendors in the large market.

Police confirmed the incident and that a person with serious bodily injuries was reunited at the Subotica General Hospital.

As we learn, the injured Chinese woman is in mortal danger.

The Chinese citizen who caused the injuries was arrested and suspected of the crime of attempted murder, and the case was referred to the Higher Public Ministry for further prosecution.
