Blic: Kontić, wanted by the police, trainee lawyer and former member of the Montenegrin judo team – Society


Ivan Kontić (30), who is wanted by the police on suspicion of beating and seriously injuring 28-year-old MM on August 24 in Novi Sad, has a law degree and was once a member of the Montenegrin judo team, writes Blic.

Blic: Kontić, wanted by police, trainee lawyer and former member of the Montenegrin national team in judo 1Photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić

Liszt writes today, referring to his knowledge, that he graduated in law from Union University in Belgrade, and for the last year he has been working as an intern at a law firm in Novi Sad.

He was also registered with the Vojvodina Bar Association as an intern.

The newspaper claims that for several months, at the same time, he worked as a security guard in a casino in front of which he beat MM when, according to Blic, he had known him for a long time and they were even on good terms.

According to the newspaper, referring to the data of the Commercial Records Agency, Kontić is the director of the founding company of a betting shop in Belgrade.

The newspaper also writes that Kontić was arrested in Nikšić in January 2018 because officers from the anti-drug department found an illegal revolver in his possession.

Kontić’s Facebook, who is a native of Nikšić, was active until Saturday, which means that someone reached out to him to deactivate it, but the IP address of the login remained, which will help locate him.

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