BLESSING TO VUČELIĆ FIGHTING FOR BREATH: Vesin “novajugend” – vultures in the respirator of humanity


If there were cheeks, parts and morals, the text of the same content should be repeated as much as today. Of course, as long as he himself is not the author of the most disgusting pamphlet in the recent history of Serbian journalism, which appeared on the “Nova S” portal.

Former colleagues and former individuals published an unsigned column titled “Two Faces of Milorad Vučelić, from dissident to servant of the regime” at a time when MAN Milorad Vučelić was fighting for his life in a hospital bed. I say MAN, not the editor-in-chief of “Večernji novosti”, because this text is created as an urgent need to defend the norms of the civilization of human and journalistic sediment, which in the form of an obituary, hits the one who lies, who does not have opportunity to respond to their cries. .

We will not discuss here whose servant he is, although something can be found in the herbarium of the dry political hopes of the “Nova” rodents. And there is a preview of articles for the yellow days white paper, such as the famous “Blic” issue, ahead of the second round of the electoral clash between Tomislav Nikolić and Vesa’s then-favorite Boris Tadić. Here are the rich treasures for a diligent researcher of journalism history.

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The educators on duty in Serbia, in the form of the self-proclaimed “independent” journalistic elite, gathered in the electronic tabloid, could not even muster the strength to sign under the shameful scandal with which they are inscribed in the annals of madness. Those, whose mouths are full of journalistic norms and ethics, surround the vultures on the bed of a sick person, sinking in the mud of their own hypocrisy. Blinded by the programmed political hatred typical of other Serbs, they fell below the line of Christian prudence and dignity.

In the desire to compile a death certificate for Vučelić as soon as possible, they could not even find a “volunteer” for the anti-human firing squad, instead hiding behind a quote from Miloš Vasić, a decade and a half. And there they may have made a fatal mistake and deprived their laureate of glory. Because now they will have to give the future award for “journalistic bravery” for shooting a man with a respirator at a competing house. But, unlike them, poor Vasić deserved that recognition in the ad, because he wrote about Vučelić when he could reply.

The scope of this great effort by Vesa’s morbid researchers is best illustrated by a shocked reader’s first comment on their site:

Are you realistic?

The same question, only much sharper, seasoned with the curses that bastards deserve, was repeated by one of our greats, refusing to visit a comedian and journalist in an attack on Nova S.

We, colleagues and associates of Vucela, are no less astonished. Like the above, we ask ourselves: is it realistic to keep silent about various Remo, Nuns, Cenzolovka, Uns, press councils, non-governmental crusaders for the purity of the media space?

Almost everyone was shamefully silent even when a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the home of Milorad Vučelić, then editor-in-chief of “Pečat”, in 2015. Because the matrix of the shameless circle to which Simonović belongs is this: we remember the freedom of the media only when our ideological and personal positions are in danger, and we can beat Vučelić and others who are at the other political pole even when fighting for air.

The wolves, we trust in God, will be healed, but Vesa and her “novajugend” will forever remain sick, hooked on the respirator of the lowest human weaknesses. And it is worth remembering one of Simonović’s interviews from June this year. He said then that “there are media that are in a difficult mental state.” We agree. His electronic tabloid confirmed it best on Friday.

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