The bodies of the accident victims were also found, most likely the pilot Irina P. (31), a Moldovan of Romanian citizenship, and the operator Igor Ivanović (34) from Belgrade. They, as workers of the “STS aviation”, participated in the vaccination of foxes and coyotes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The wreckage of the plane was found yesterday around 3:00 p.m. at the Crna lokva site in the village of Subotići in the municipality of Gradiška, in very inaccessible terrain that is very difficult to reach on foot.
Police officers located the accident and a body next to it, while the other can be seen in the wreckage of the plane. Both are reportedly charred and their identities have yet to be determined by autopsy.
– During the night the place was secured, and the investigation will begin today because the current climatic conditions do not allow it – said the spokeswoman of the Ministry of the Interior of the RS, Mirna Miljanović.
He says that the Bosnia and Herzegovina Prosecutor’s Office was informed of everything and that the inaccessible terrain and the weather conditions made it difficult for the police to work.
THE POLICE will carry out an investigation and send all the relevant data to the commission for the investigation of this plane crash, which is appointed by our ministry. We have already contacted several experts in that area to determine all the circumstances and the cause of the accident, Vojin Mitrović, Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, told “Novosti”.

Igor Ivanovic, Photo Facebook
As we have learned, the company “STS aviation” has been in the vaccination of animals for more than 10 years. They did this work throughout the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, in recent days, with the help of airplanes, they spread so-called cookies in the forests and mountains, baits with which animals are vaccinated against rabies. In recent days, they had flights from Banja Luka Airport in Mahovljani, and 13 smaller sports jets were involved in the entire business. Although it was bad weather with fog and occasionally it rained, everyone was flying. Until 1:10 PM, when they lost contact with the “piper” in which Igor and Irina were.
– They disappeared from the radar at 1:10 p.m. The impact device was activated and the worst was immediately feared. Prior to that, the crew did not report any problems. On the radio everything was normal and they just disappeared from the radar. Both crew members had cell phones with them.
We called them and the phones rang, but no one answered the calls, a well-informed source said.
From the signal of the mobile phone, the search was directed towards the part of Kozara where the wrecked plane was found.
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