Black Friday: Crowds in the shopping malls of Belgrade and Nis despite the crown (PHOTO) – Society


In the afternoon, there were huge crowds and queues at the shopping malls in Belgrade and Nis for the discount on “Black Friday”, despite the increasing number of new patients and deaths from the corona virus.

Black Friday: Crowds in the shopping malls of Belgrade and Nis despite the crown (PHOTO) 1Photography: Južne vesti / J. Adamović

Today, consumers did not adhere to the measures prescribed by epidemiologists, all for the simple fact of buying, most of the time clothes, at reduced prices.

Južne vesti wrote today that a part of Obrenovićeva street was blocked by people waiting in line to enter the “Forum” shopping center, and there was a crowd at the entrance and in the closed part where customers wait for someone to come out to enter .

The reason is the discounts that traders give today, and some during the weekend, on the occasion of “Black Friday”. The head of the Communal Militia says that it is expected to intensify the controls of compliance with the measures introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Južni vesti journalists noticed the biggest crowds in the very center of Niš, in front of the “Forum”. They are mostly young in the ranks, and most of them wore a protective mask.

Black Friday: Crowds in the shopping malls of Belgrade and Nis despite the crown (PHOTO) 2
Photography: Južne vesti / J. Adamović

The epidemiologist Predrag Kon said on the occasion of the crowds and queues that were registered today that it is difficult to ban “Black Friday”, but that the protection measures are very clear and that the responsibility lies with the organizers of the actions and the public.

Therefore, whoever organizes “Black Friday” is directly responsible for what the consequences will be. If the measures are respected and if it is ensured that it works, it could be swallowed, if the fact is that there is a crowd in front, the responsibility for such a thing cannot be accepted and the responsibility lies with those who organized it, responsibility. It would not occur to me, it is not clear to me how it is more important now that there are 57 dead today, it is not clear to me – Kon explained.

In the last 24 hours, there were 7,780 new corona virus infections and 57 deaths in Serbia. A total of 155,994 people have contracted the virus in our country so far and 1,423 deaths have been registered.

The custom of shopping after Thanksgiving in the United States arises from the large parades that began to be organized in 1952 as part of the marketing campaigns of department stores, such as Macy’s and Eaton’s, in Philadelphia.

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